Part 10

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Michelle Pov :
     "I love you" Barack said kissing my lips. He kissed me passionately like he missed me ."Lets take this to the treaty Room" he said taking my hand. "But we can get caught-" I said but he caught me off. "Shhhh" he put his index finger over my lips. "Shut up" His finger encircled my throat, followed by a wet kiss. We walked in the room and he said "Get On Your knees and be a good girl." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "What do you think I am? your little slut? I said smirking. He wrapped his hand around my throat and leaned my head back further back, pushing his knee between my legs. I was stuck between him and the wall. "Yeah that's exactly what you are. My Little Slut". He said looking at me.
                             Next day
I woke up to Both Barack and Ashton laying on me. I kissed there foreheads before getting out of bed to pee. I felt a flutter in my stomach."Barack!" I holler from the bathroom."what! What is it? Are you ok" he said rushing in. "He's kicking" I slimed at him. He rushed over at put his hands on my belly. I rubbed my finger on a spot and he kicked there. I watched as Barack slimed and then he looked up at me. "He's  kicking" he said in awe. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. "Im going to shower now" I said going to my closet. "Me too" He said excited. I went to check on Ashton before I got in the shower. He was still sleeping my baby must have been tried yesterday. We got in the shower and I started to wash up. I went up and hugged Barack from behind and rested my head against his back.
    "You ok honey" he asked. "Yes I'm just extremely tried" I said softly. "Me too but we got this" he said turning around. He kissed me softly. I'm just tried physically and  mental. With a baby on the way and 3 other kids, the press, Christmas coming up, and Barack getting ready to go to Africa in a few days. Its a lot. My brother and his family are coming in for Christmas today so that's good. Barack will only be in Africa for 4 days so not to long. "I love you always" He said looking me in the eye and smiling. I giggled as we got out the shower. "Oh I forgot to tell you I will be in North Carolina Today and Tomorrow." Barack said as we Brushed our teeth. "Wait why" I said as he went into his closet. "Because of the Governor Campaign Rally" He said getting out his suit. I huffed out and slammed his closet door.

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