Part 50

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Michelle POV:
They told me to stop pushing. I don't know why but I'm in so much pain right now the epidural is helping a little bit but not much 😭. I heard Barack yelling in the hallway like a mad man. "IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO EITHER ONE OF THEM I PROMISE YOU WANT DELIVER ANOTHER MOTHER FUCKING BABY AGAIN" Barack yelled 😧. About 20 Minutes later they walked back in. "Ok First Lady Your Son is breach and if we don't turn him you could die or he could" the doctor said 🥺. "Ok turn him, just get my son out of me safely" I said. "Ok let's get this baby turned around and out" The doctor said putting on gloves and giving orders. I grabbed Barack's hand and squeezed it❤️. I could feel anything now I guess the epidural decided to work now🙄. About 15 minutes later the doctor said "he's turned". They told me I could push again. "AHHHHH" I screamed and throw my head back on the pillow😂. "I hate you so much right now" I said breathing hard.
Barack kissed my forehead 🥰. "Jesus he is a stubborn little thing" The doctor said 😭. I pushed one long good time. "Momma We have a head" The doctor said as I tried to catch my breath🥺. "WAAAAHH-WAAAHH-WAAAH" Camden cried 💙. I cried hearing him cry. "Time of brith 5:45 AM" The nurse said 🥹. I watched Barack cut the cord 🥺. "I love you so much" He said kissing me passionately 💕. They took him to get cleaned up. "You had no tearing or blood loss. Congratulations on your little one Mister President and First Lady" The doctor said and left the room. About 30 mins later they came back with him🥰. He was wrapped in a white a blue blanket with a blue hat 😍. We signed the birth certificate and he was all ours 😩. "OH MY GOD he beautiful" I said holding him 😩. He so small I love it 🥰. Barack's phone started going off and it was Malia FaceTiming him 💜. "Hi daddy" I heard Ashton say. "Hey sport what are you doing up" He asked😭.
    "Well I woke up and sissy came and got me" Ashton said as Malia feed him a young melt 😭. "I just don't understand how your 13 and still eating baby snacks" Barack said to Malia😂. "Where's mama at" I heard her ask. "Hi babies" I said as Barack put the phone in front of me. "OMG MAMA HE'S SO CUTE 🥰! You and daddy make some very cute kids😂!" Malia said looking at Camden💙. "We can make a lot more other th~" Barack started to say but I hit him in the area😊. "You guys are all over the news by the way" She said. "Yeah I know we are" Barack said. "Mommy will you be home?" Ashton asked me. "I should be home in a little bit baby" I said❤️.

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