part 112

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barack side eyes the window seeing greg. "jealousy sex huh, he's got nothing on you" michelle said in between kisses. "oh!" she moaned softly as his mouth closed around her nipple. seeing this made greg hard as a brick. he came up kissing her lips and before kissing down her body. "b-baby" she moaned. she was really sensitive from last night still so she was squirming and arching her back like crazy😏. "shit" michelle moaned wrapping her legs around his neck as her eyes rolled back. "fuck man" greg gritted his teeth watching them. "don't stop!" she screamed pushing his head down farther down in between her thighs. after an amazing ass orgasm michelle pushed him down on the bed getting on top him kissing. "mmmm" she hummed undoing his belt and pants as he sucked in her nipples! michelle happily started to grind against him. "fuck miche"  barack grunted pulling his underwear off. * "i bet this nigga is not as big as me...." greg thought to himself. she started kissing his neck making him moan. he lifted her ass positioning him and sat her upon his dick. his eyes rolled back immediately. "yes!" michelle moaned wrapping her arms his neck😩. she threw her head back grinding against him as he placed sweet little kisses on her neck.
"just like that! fuck yes!" miche moaned loudly. she noticed greg standing outside the window and smirked. "ahhh" camden screamed sitting in high chair looking at Sasha. "boo" Sasha said sticking out her tongue. he laughed loudly, so sweet. "seseahhh" cam said clapping his hands happily🤍. "mama!" he said looking around for michelle. "mama is still in bed buddy" craig said to him. "mama" he said sadly. "aww don't be sad bug mama will be up in a little okay" lia said cheering him up. "ahhhhhhkka" he said trying to say okay 😂. meanwhile upstairs....... "wow" they both huffed out catching their breathe. barack signaled the service to take greg from the window. "YOU BITCH" greg yelled banging on the window as they pulled him off. they showered and got dressed before heading downstairs. they heard cam laughing from a mile away. "look there is mama and dada" craig said as Camden grabbed his bald head. "dadaaa, ahhhhhhh" camden squealed loudly looking back at his daddy. this caused barack to laugh. "hi dadas baby" he said, cam slimed ear to ear.
"mommy gigi is calling you" ashton said handing michelle her phone. she answered the facetime as camden squealed loudly. "oh my gosh" anita said on the other end. "yeah he's talking now" michelle said as cam sat in her lap💙. "where is my boy at" martin asked. "dang not even a "hey michelle" or nothing" michelle said teasing him. "oh hi sis how are you" martin said as camden pulled on michelle getting his fat head in the camera. "mannn what are doing ur all in my bubble" she said laughing. "hey cammm" anita said laughing. "oooooo" he responded making her laugh. "hi gigi" ashton said sliming as michelle handed him the phone. camden fusses and michelle frowned. "what's wrong? are you sad bubba took the phone away." miche asked him kissing his cheek.  he yawns in response rubbing his eyes. she holds him close giving him his pacifier, as he lays down on her chest 🥺. about 10 minutes went by and she looked  down at her chest seeing him sleeping peacefully. "i love you" she said kissing his temple softly. malia came and cuddle up beside michelle, and so did sasha and ashton.
       "i love y'all more than you could ever imagine" she said as they drifted off to sleep🥺. barack was gone on some presidential things and wouldn't be back till later so michelle decided to nap with the kids. it's was only three.

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