Part 35

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Barack POV:
* 3 Months Later ( June-5-11 )
Well Michelle and I haven't had sex in 5 months😭. So I'm extremely stressed and sexually frustrated🙄. Her due date is coming up tho so that's and good😊. Sasha is getting ready to 9 in 5 days🥺. My second baby girl is growing up time please slow down😩. Malia will be a teenager this year and I'm so not ready for that 🥺. Ashton meanwhile is losing teeth😭. I want him to cut his hair so bad I don't like it long 🙄. But Michelle loves it so what she says goes😭. Speaking of her she had an appointment this morning for the baby🥰. We went with the name "Camden Adore 💙". We plan on calling him "Cam". Malia nickname for him already is "Cam Bug💙". My phone went off and it was a picture and message from Miche.
Michelle❤️: Camden is health as a button and I passed my glucose test baby😘! I have not dilated any but I'm on track to have a safe delivery 🥳!

Me: Look At That Belly😩😍! Proud of a you on your glucose test baby😘! Did you Pictures of Cam Today💙?!    Michelle❤️: I did get pictures of his fat head all up in the camera today😭

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Me: Look At That Belly😩😍! Proud of a you on your glucose test baby😘! Did you Pictures of Cam Today💙?!
Michelle❤️: I did get pictures of his fat head all up in the camera today😭. His heart beat was so strong today😩. The doctor can tell that he has a head full of hair already😭.
Me : Oh Wow Thats Great Can't wait to see our little munchkin 🥰.
Michelle ❤️: Ok I will be home in a minute. Have you checked on Ashton tooth since I've been gone🤨?!
Me: I have its lose but not lose enough to come out😕. I have to go I have a meeting ttyl baby😘! I love you 💕!
Michelle ❤️: muwahhh😘!!
I have a meeting with the leaders of the senate and Speaker of the house. "Good Afternoon Madame Speaker And Majority Leader McConnell" I said 🙄. We talked about the most boring shit ever until... Malia Busted in the room surprising me that she was home from summer camp😭. She had been gone since may🥺. "How has your day been daddy" She asked sitting down on the couch. "It's been good and it's even better now that your back babygirl💕" I said kissing her check as I walked over to my desk. "Hey ummm I didn't see momma where is she at?" She asked. "She had an appointment for the baby today Lia💙" I said looking over Some papers🙄. "Oh Ok do you know if she got pictures of Cam Bug🥰" She asked excitedly. "She did it pictures of him and she be back by now"I said😭.

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