Part 20

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Michelle Pov:
    "Madame First Lady The President Has Requested For You To Be In His Office Right Away" My Chief of staff said. I jolted out the door to the office to see what was wrong. "Is he ok" I asked Valerie. "He told us to get out and requested for you but he's not ok" She said to me. "There was a school shooting about 15 minutes ago and 11 kids died and 5 are injured" She said and my eyes got misty but I have to be strong for him so I sucked it up and walked in. He was sitting on the couch and looked over at me with tears falling. I sat down beside him and he buried his face in my neck. "It hurts Michelle Its hurts" He cried out wrapping his arms around pulling me closer. "I know it does I know" I said rubbing his back. "What if that were Malia or Sasha or Ashton" He said. "Hey Hey don't think like that. We just have to hug them tighter and kiss them longer and tell how much we love them more" I said holding his face in the plan of my hand.
     "But a Father or Mother or Grandparent won't get to do all those things because of  today and it hurts and it my fault." He said wiping his tears. "I know but you can't kill yourself over everything baby if this doesn't wake them up then I don't know what will" I said helping get ready to address the nation. "My nerves are shot and my emotions ar-" I cut him off by kissing him softly but passionately. He gripped my a$$ hard and I moaned. "Not right now maybe later" I said stopping from getting down on his knees. He didn't stop though. He pulled my underwear down and kissed my inter thigh. "Barack you have a speech to give" I said trying not to moan. "I know I do but for the next 20 minutes. I Want You." He said kissing my neck.
      "You can't have me" I smirked. He slipped his fingers in me. I arched my back and my mouth gaped open. "Yeah feels good don't it" He said looking in my eyes. "Mhmm" I bit my lip. He adding his ring finger in and sped up the pace. I heard him unzipping his pants and looked at him. "Barack No" I moaned. "But why" He whined. "Because your using us having sex so you don't have to give that speech" I said as he puled his fingers out of me. "I can't do it Miche it hurts to bad" He said looking at me. "You can do it and when you get done we can have all the sex you want." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me wide eyed and quickly zipped up his pants. He kissed my cheek before leaving. I love that man so much❤!

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