Part 61

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Michelle POV:
"mmmm good morning" he said as my hands traveled down to his boxers 🥰. He took after his boxer off and rubbed him up and down on her 😩. Barack thrust into me and our eyes rolled back while kissing each other ❤️. "don't stop b-baby" I moaned in his ear 😫.I love missionary because his face is so handsome 😍. "oh fuck mich" he moaned 🫶🏽. He flipped us over to where I was on top of him. His 7 AM wake up call rang 🙄. "damn that call" he grunted as a continued riding him 😩. "Yesss you feel so good" I said as he thrust up in me. The call rang again. "Arch it baby" he said in my ear from behind me 😏. I gasped as he slapped my ass 😭. "oh fuck baby" I moaned gripping whatever was in front of me 😭. " fuck michelle" he moaned gripping it😩. "MISTER PRESIDENT" Allen yelled cracking the door 😳. "yess! d-daddy! ahhhh!" I moaned loudly 😏. "michelle don't you dare do it" he grunted as we both felt the pressure of me about to squirt 😩. "Throw that shit back miche" he said to me and I did 😏. "jesus christ baby" barack moaned 😩. He started rubbing my clit and I couldn't hold back any longer 😭. "ahhhhhhh yessss!" I moaned loudly letting it out all over him 😩. He fucked me through it 🤪.
"oh baby im gonna cum" he moaned loudly twitching inside me 😏. "yesss barack don't stop" I moaned gripping the sheets ❤️. "oh my god im cumming" I screamed 😭.He flipped us back over. "ahhhh oh my god I love you " I moaned cummin all over him 😩. "I love you" he moaned cummin in me 😏. He kissed me before collapsing on the bed next to me ❤️. "that was~" I started to say. "so good" he said laughing 😭. "gosh I don't want to get up" barack said. "baby I need a towel" I said to him. "okay I'll get you one" he said kissing before he got up 🥰. "is their a lot in their" I asked him as he handed me the towel. "I would think so" he said sliming 😍. We showered and got ready for the day. Im back at home now ❤️ I miss my husband already 😩. There was a letter sitting on our bed for Ashton summer camp. I read it and it said that Ashton was on a 2 day suspension because of fighting 😟. "ASHTON BARACK OBAMA COME HERE NOW" I yelled. He walked in and plopped himself right on the bed😂. "you know mommy is upset with you right" I said sitting beside him. He looked at me and started crying 🥺. "I'm sorry mommy" he cried latching onto me 💔.
      "I know you are but why did you do it baby" I said making him sit up straight. "I-I-I-I H-H-He~" He strutted crying. "hey look right here deep breathe" I said as he started coughing 🥺. Malia and Ashton both have asthma and his is can be activated easily. He calmed down and we talked about what happened❤️. "Well sometimes we have to walk away from the situation and be the bigger person" I said to him. "Ok mommy" He said sliming 😭. I went to get Camden for my mom 🥺. I've missed him so much 😩. He is two weeks old already 🥺. "Hi baby boy. I've missed you" I said to him as he looked up at me sliming 😍. "He getting a diaper rash Michelle" my mom said to me as she folded clothes. "And your glowing hmm" she continued 😭. "what makes you say that mama" I asked trying to play cool. "I'm just saying I know that glow ur not slick honey" She said looking at me 😂. "Pull out or protection" she questioned 😟. "Mama oh my god" I said in shock 😳

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