Part 48

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Michelle POV:
"Oh God Please Don't Let Him Act Up Cause His Sleepy" I said to myself 💀. "What's mommy time if I may ask" Gaye asked me. "Mommy Time is when we sing our song and I bathe him. He still fights his sleep so bad and it's really bad if I'm not around😭. Barack tried putting him to sleep when I was sick one night and He screamed and cried at the top of his lungs💔." I told her. "His a real mommas boy huh" she said in response😂. "He really is. When he was in that baby/toddler stage he would only sleep on her chest, never stayed in his room always in our bed and still is sometimes" Barack said as Ashton started reaching for me 🥺. I kissed his cheek and he laid back on my chest 💙. I looked at my watch and said "it's about his nap time". "Yeah it is" Barack said agreeing with me 😭. "What's the strangest place you ever done the deed" Gayle asked. I covered Ashton ears not knowing what was going to fly out of Barack's mouth on this one😭.
  "Uhhhhh I think Air Force One" He said with a "thinking" face 😂. "No it was that street in Venice, Italy" I said as Ashton looked up at me 😭. "Oh yeah that is it"  he said looking at me smirking 😏. "Oh wow wasn't expecting that one" Gayle said 😂. "Ok what's your favorite body on your spouse?" She asked. "That's easy for me it's her legs" Barack said😭. I seriously thought he was going to say something else😂. "Ummm that's hard😭" I said laughing. "I would say his shoulders and back" I said 😭. "Do you think this is the last one?" She asked us. "I think this is last one I have left in me. Although he wants one more I don't think I have another one in me" I said looking at Barack 😂. "I do want at least one more" He admitted🙄. "Do you still workout Even tho your pregnant" Gayle asked. "Yes I do light workouts with my little gym buddy here💙" I said kissing Ashton cheek🥺. He scrunched his nose up at me and I laughed 😂. I started feeling nauseous again 🙄. "Alright thank you for your time Mr President and First Lady" Gayle said.
     "You are so welcome" I said handing Ashton to Barack cause I can't carry him😭. "Daddy I'm sleepy" Ashton said latching onto him❤️. "Oh wow he tells when he is sleepy" Gayle said in shock. "Sometimes he does but he still has low energy from when he had Roseola" I said rubbing Ashton back. "Yeah but he's didn't sleep well last night so he prolly is tired" Barack said 😭. We said our goodbyes and went to Ashton down.

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