part 104

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      he walked in their bedroom to see michelle and ashton snuggled up on her side of the bed sleeping peacefully🥺. "im so sorry" he said while looking at them. "camden stop that's not funny" malia said as he dug his little toes in her thigh again. he laughed loudly at his big sister🤍. she took the picture of them in bed together and took to instagram.

"can i help you sir" Lia said as he crawled on top of her drooling everywhere

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"can i help you sir" Lia said as he crawled on top of her drooling everywhere. he slimed at her. "ur not cute" she said wiping his mouth. "no you can't eat that bruh" she said taking the remote from his mouth😂. "aaaah, bbbaaa" he said back. "i don't care what you say" she said snapping a photo of them for her streaks. he yawned letting sissy know it was night night time. "in a tree top by my window theirs a darling little bird... and it sings so gay and pretty! it's the sweetest song sissy heard." malia sung softly as her brother fell asleep on her chest sucking away on his pacifier🥺. "hi love when did you get in here" michelle said softly rubbing he eyes. "hi" barack said. "what's wrong" she asked him. "nothing" he replied. "yes it is, something is wrong when u don't make eye contact with me when we are talking" she said softly. "i know you to well honey" she continued. "do you feel alone" he said aloud. "as too what" she didn't follow his question. "do you feel that ur doing this alone" barack said. "sometimes I do but I know ur job is a lot so I do what I have to do to keep this family above water" michelle said.
         "im sorry for making you feel alone. you know I love you and the kids more than anything in the world." he said as she held his hand. "i know you do. it's a lot going right now once the waters calm down I promise we'll be fine, there just being tested again." michelle said as ashton started coughing. "mommy" he uttered🥺. "I know sweet boy I know" she said softly rubbing his back kissing his temple. "he's got a cold. he throw up early cause he ate something that didn't settle well on his tummy." she said informing him. "man is gonna be sick for his birthday" barack said. "no I hoping it's just one of those 24 hour things" miche said as her eyes kids started getting heavy. "remember we have to be at the boat by 10" Barack said kissing her cheek good night. "mmm mhm" she muttered half sleep.
next morning......
"CAM..... get back here" malia said chasing him down the hallway. she picked him up and cried out for michelle, "mama" 🥺. "i know ur hungry but i don't know if mama is up bug" she said trying to calm him down. she took downstairs to kitchen and chopped up some frozen blueberries for him. he teething so anything cold soothes him. "you okay" malia asked softly wiping his tears as he stuffed a blueberry in his mouth. "mmmmm!" he said sliming at her😂. she kissed his cheek and made her and Ashton a smoothie cause he walked in. "hey squirt are mommy and daddy still sleeping?" malia asked as Sasha came in. "mommy is but daddy is using the potty" he said playing with Camden in his high chair.

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