Part 9

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Baracks Pov :
     "Ok so now I need just the Parents" The Photographer said. "We need to lay him down he's sleepily and I don't want him to get Fuzzy" Michelle said to me. "Can we have 30 minutes to get our son to sleep" I asked the Photographer. "Sure take all the time you need" he said. "Here can you carry him" She Handing him to me. We walked to our bedroom and I laid him on our bed. He was fighting his sleep badly I mean terribly. "Is he normally this bad?" I asked Michelle. "Mhm he done it seen his was a baby" she said watching him. He was turning his head and rubbing his eyes. Michelle started rubbing his back and he calmed down a little bit. "I'm not the only one that finds your touch comforting" I said looking at her.
    I felt her kiss my cheek. He still continued to fight his sleep tho. "I told you he hates to sleep when I'm not sleeping" she said. Michelle picked him up and putting him on her belly. She started brushing his hair out his face. "Go to sleep mommy loves you" she said kissing his forehead. I admired her as she did this. He fell asleep and Michelle changed him into his night clothes. "Babe we have to go" I said getting up. "Okay" she said laying him down. We got back to the Photoshoot and that instructed us to do this and that and in the middle of the shoot they asked Michelle to take off her bra. Michelle looked at me and said "I don't want you to see my wife's boobs". He suggested a way we could do it without him seeing them.
     Michelle turned around looking at me. "Are you going to unhook it?" She said to me. "I don't know how I feel about another man seeing what's mines" I said in a soft whisper. "He told you to put your hands over them" she said to me. "Well the last time I had my hands-" I said licking my lips and smirking but she cut me off. "Just unhook it boy" she sais rolling her eyes and giggle. I hooked her bra and my eyes went straight to her boobs. I licked my lips and she said "my eyes are up here". She turned around with my hands on her chest. We shot some more pictures and the Photographer left. We went back to our bedroom and Ashton was still sleeping. "Can you unhook this again please?" Michelle said with her back to me. I kissed her shoulder as I unhooked her bra and I started to kiss her neck and collarbone. "Mmm" Michelle hummed.

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