Part 39

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Barack POV:
"Here" I said handing it to her❤️. "It's 104.2" She said with wide eyes. "Let's go" I said grabbing Ashton🥺. "He looks pale Miche" I said as we walked out our room. "Malia, Sasha we are taking your brother to the hospital" Michelle yelled. "Michelle what's wrong with him" Marian asked running out. "He has a fever of 104.2 and it isn't going down it's going up"' Michelle said as we walked towards the elevator. "Mister President Marine One is ready sir" Allen said. "Take off to Walter Reed Children's Hospital" The pilot said 🥺. We got there and they took him from us immediately🥺. "My poor baby, I don't like this feeling" Michelle said in a weak voice almost crying 💔.  "It's ok I promise his strong💙" I said pulling her into my chest and kissing her forehead🥰. About an hour later the doctor came out.  
    "Mister President, Madam First Lady. You are able to see him now" He said as we followed him to Ashton room. He was sleep🥺, they had a heart monitor on him, and they had a iv in his arm🥺. "Your Son has Roseola its a common very dangerous viral infection in young children" The doctor said as Michelle got teary eyed 💔. "We caught it early enough to stop the rash and swelling that comes with rashes but they probably will be a little bit of rashes" He said. "There's nothing that you did wrong, he is a very strong and healthy 5 year old but things like this happen." He said trying to comfort Michelle🙂. "So how long will it take for him to get better?" I asked him. "2 weeks at the maximum" He said. "Okay Thank you doc!" I said rubbing Michelle's back❤️. She calmed down after about ten minutes. "I need to~" She started to say and I cut her off . "Michelle you don't need to do anything but rest I'll watch him for lil bit and keep a check on him through the night" I said to her. "But Barack?" She whined🥺.
"No but's baby! Allen take her to hospital sweet next door for me" I said as Allen came in. "I'll be in there in a little bit! I love you💕" I said kissing her. About 30 minutes went by and I got up and walked over to Ashton laying in the hospital bed🥺. I grabbed his weak little hand and I felt him weakly squeeze it 🥺. I felt tears in my eyes😕. "Be strong for daddy Ashton Please" I said kissing his forehead 💙. I went to the room to see Michelle pacing the floor😕. "I told you to get some rest" I grunted🙄. "Barack I can't rest when my child is laying in a hospital bed" She snapped at me 😟. "He's going to be ok baby." I said to her.

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