Part 88

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     "gosh michelle can't you get him to stop" Barack said walking into camdens nursery. Camden has been crying for 4 hours straight now. "barack this cry is different this time.....something wrong" she said to her husband as Camden screamed loudly/ highly 🥺.   3 hours later....... "mr. and mrs. obama" the doctor walking out of the room that Camden was in. "we have ran all the test and.....Camden has rsv" the doctor said as michelle squeezed Barack's hand tightly. "we don't know how he contracted it but we have him on meds and he should be recovering soon" the doctor said. they walked in the door and saw him laying in that bed made there Hearts clenched🥺. "can I hold him" michelle asked the nurse. "yes you may" the nurse said. they had on mask because grown people can get it too. "awww hi mamas boy" Michelle said picking Camden up as a tear fell down her cheek. " don't cry he's gonna be fine" Barack said wiping the tear that fell ❤️. "I was just scared that we were going to have another upset three month old with meningitis" Michelle said as memories of Sasha screaming and crying played in her head.
        "I know but he's ok now" he said kissing her cheek. "look his sliming in his sleep" michelle giggled. Barack and Michelle slept in a chair together. "mmm good morning beautiful" he whispered kissing his wife's cheek. she was still mad sleeping laying on his chest, straddling his lap🤭. he looked over at Camden struggling too sleep peacefully, rubbing his eyes trying not to cry. "WA-W-W-WAH" Camden cried loudly waking Michelle instantly. "W-WAH-WA-W-W-WAH" he continued as michelle huffed out getting off her husband's lap. it's seems she had just want to sleep after being up half the night. "good morning mamas boy" she said as he slimed up at her melting her heart 🥺. he firmly gripped michelle boob area with his little hand. "who does he think he is gripping my wife's boobs like that" Barack said playfully as Camden started crying again. "here baby don't listen to your daddy" miche said as Camden latched on to her nipple. "mmmmm" Camden sighed slowly closing his eyes. "I love you" she said kissing Camden forehead💙.
the doctor came in and talked to them and answers there questions before sending them home with Camden. He was very irritable and grumpy cause he didn't feel good. Michelle took him out of everything but his pamper so he could be comfortable. then him and mommy and a sink to sink cuddle after she feed him🥺. he slept for about three hours before waking up and crying again. "well just what's wrong big boy" Michelle said as he slimed at his daddy as he walked in the room. Barack walked right passes Camden who was reaching for him. this time he really let out a big ole cry/ squeal💔. it just broke Michelle's heart hearing the heartache in his cry for his daddy. "oh my god" Michelle said trying to clam him down. "Camden baby daddy's busy stink clam down" she said softly but he wasn't hearing it😭. he squealed out crying loudly and Barack finally came out the office. Camden snuggled into his chest and shut his eyes as Barack wipe the tears off his cheek. "please don't do him like that again......that broke my heart hearing him cry for you like that" michelle said as Camden cooed falling asleep.

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