Part 62

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Michelle POV:
"well neither but we tired too" I said. "Michelle y'all need to take it slow before y'all end up with another one of those" She said pointing to Camden 😭. "one more want hurt and plus he wants one more" I said. "Well my advice to you is to keep ''em close as long as you can" she said to me. Camden started showing us how good his lungs are 😂. I left the room to feed him, "hold on cam mommy's gonna feed"I said to him as his cry's got louder. Camden has that loud demanding cry like he knows what he wants and he's gonna get it weather we like it or not 🙂. "Okay okay here" I said as he latched his mouth onto my nipple 😂. The kids walked in and Camden tired looking around but couldn't 😭. "When will daddy be back" Sasha asked me. "He'll be back late Sunday night" I said as Ashton started laughing 😂. Malia was holding him and them were spinning around in circles 😭. "Here let's FaceTime daddy guys" Malia said jumping on the bed and setting her phone up. "Hi daddy" they all said at the same time ❤️. "Hi guys how are you" he asked them. Ashton gave him two thumbs up 😭.
My pu$$y is throbbing at the sound his voice😩. I know he is the loml❤️. "Is mommy back yet, cause she hasn't responded to my messages" he asked the kids. "Hey babe" I said. "Hi honey what are you doing" he asked me. "Feeding your son" I responded as Camden yawned but kept going 😭. "I expected that" He said sliming 😍. "Well guys daddy has some good news" Barack said to the kids. "my campaign events got canceled so I'm coming home tonight" He said as I remember that's Saturday is Father's Day 😳. "mommy daddy's coming home" Ashton said all excited 🥹. "i know" I said to him sliming. "miche we need to talk when I get home" he said to as I got ready to burp Camden🖤. "ooooo mommy's in trouble" the kids in sync 😭. "oh hush....okay what is it about" I said to him. "the guest list for saturday's state dinner" he said. "burrrrppp" Camden burped loudly 😂. "good job stink" I said wiping his mouth🥺. Malia, Sasha, and Ashton left the room. Camden started getting sleepy not long after they left 🥰. "you look just like daddy" I said softly kissing his temple ❤️. He yawned in response 😂, "the milk made you sleepy huh?" I said rubbing his cheek with my nail. He was laying on my chest taking up all of my boob area 😭.
Barack POV:
It's 11:15 at night and I'm just now walking into the family residence. "DADDY" Ashton shouted running towards me as I walked in Malias room ❤️. "Hi big guy what are you doing up still" I said picking him up. "Sissy is redoing my hair" he said sliming 🙂. "Hi daddy" Malia said said coming out of the bathroom. "I see you went with a different hair style for him" I said as she started back with his hair. "I had to because his hair is so thick and curly" she said chuckling 😭. I walked in our bedroom and it was pitch dark. I cut on one of the bedside lights too see Michelle and Camden sleeping 🥺. "mmmmm hi" I heard Michelle say. I turned around to kiss her 🥰. Camden made a loud snoring noise as we kissed 😂. "Someone is really sleepy" I laughed kissing his head. Michelle laid him on the bed and created a pillow barrier for him.

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