Part 78

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Michelle's POV :
"dear daddy, do you remember when I was in pre-school I made you the "walk with me, daddy" poem. well tonight I want thank you for walking with me to this milestone but don't let my hand go just yet🥺. even though I don't like to admit it I need you around to protect me and make me feel safe, hold me when I cry, and to make me laugh when I don't feel good. thank you for showing me how a man is supposed to treat and cherish a woman. Yes I pay attention to how you look at momma when she doing something and how your eyes sparkle and your face lights up when she walks in the room❤️. you are a dad like no other, you have given me everything, you've taught me, dressed me, fought me, kissed me, held me, shouted at me, and carried me to bed but most importantly you have loved me unconditionally. there's are not enough words to describe how lucky me, Sasha, Ashton, and Camden are to have such a wonderful, loving daddy🥺. Sincerely Lia" Malia spoke with tears in her eyes as Barack cried beside.
       "dear mommy, your love is something no one can explain. it was made from deep devotion, sacrifice, and pain. thank you for treating me like a princess, straighten my crown after a sad day❤️, helping me grow and blossom into the beautiful young lady I am today. From me kicking you in the middle of the night forcing you to lay on your back, to use laughing and talking about middle school drama when I get home😭. you are not my queen but your daddy's, Sasha, Ashton, and Camden. I want to thank you for being my 9 month hotel back in 1997-1998." and everyone laughed including me with tears falling. "Sincerely princess" 💗. she walked off the stage and hugged both of us as we all cried. "I love y'all" she said softly. my heart clenched at those words😩. 
      Malia's POV :
  "May I have this dance" my dad asked me putting out his hand. "yes you may" I said sliming💗. We took the dance floor and the song "my little girl" by Tim McGraw started playing. "are you and momma gonna dance after this" I asked him in his ear. he pulled back to look at me and said "if you want us too". I nodded my head and he laughing kissing my cheek before twirling me around😂. I laid my head in his shoulder as I held him tightly. I hugged him tightly after the song ended. "I love you daddy" I said ❤️. I waved mom up on stage and said "now it's your turn" we laughed before she kissed my cheek 💗. I run to the DJ table and typed in a song for them. I love watching them dance together.
Michelle POV:
"your the apple of my eye, your cherry pie, and oh your cake and ice cream, oh your sugar and spice, and everything nice. your the girl of my, my, my dreams" Barack sang in my ear gripping my ass before spinning me around🫶🏽. "I love you" he said to me as the song ended. "love you too" I slimed. Malia and her date danced😍, Barack was tense the entire time. "relax baby it's just a dance" I said in his ear. We went outside to watch the fireworks. "Barack look" I said as Camden eyes got big as saucer. "happy one month cam" he said kissing his cheek💙. Camden and I couldn't stay up for all of the fireworks. We went to bed but 20 minutes into my sleep, I got up throwing up😕.

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