part 111

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Barack POV :
      i woke up at 8 and michelle was still sleeping so let her be. i knew she was wore out from last night cause she put it on me last night😭. i kissed her cheek before leaving the room. "happy birthday big guy" i said hugging ashton tightly. "tank you daddy" he said as camden squealed. "uncle craig, uncle mike and all them are wait for you on the patio dad" lia said. "okay thank you good morning" I said trying to kiss her cheek but she moved. she said something under her breath but I couldn't tell what. "morning fellas" I said walking out on the patio. "there he is" mike said. we sat down and they started looking at me. "what" I asked. "i have to say man I never though you would settle down cause wooo! us in our twenty's  man" greg said. "hush man" I said sipping on my mimosa. "aye the only thing that would really make you settle down if she's got sum real good ass platinum between her legs" mike said😩.
barack just smirked, biting his lip as michelle walked out on patio. "morning sis" craig said. "good morning" she said. barack felt greg staring at michelle legs. "nice robe, anything under" he said in her ear, gripping her thigh. Seeing this made Barack's blood boil. But as soon as Michelle realized what had happened, she quickly got his hand off and walked towards Barack. When she got over there she sat on his lap wanting to be away from Greg. Barack whispered softly in her ear making sure she was ok. She leaned her head back and reassured him she was ok. As Craig, Greg, and Mike kept talking, as the two sat there whispering and making each other laugh. Soon after, Greg looked at Michelle talking to Barack and decided to look her up and down, at the robe she was wearing, *in greg mind.... "gosh I would love to have my head buried between her legs"😏.
Craig and Mike soon realized that Greg wasn't really paying attention to the conversation and looked to where he was and saw he was staring at Michelle. They got his attention and asked why he was staring at her, he simply replied with. "Because she's hot, and that robe leaves little to my imagination.." He said this loud enough to where even Michelle and Barack heard him. "you bitch! im fucking married " she exclaimed. "i know you are but i have had my eye you since met u" greg said sliming at her. "barack man you don't know what to do with all that" greg said looking at michelle ass. "she'd say otherwise" Barack said calmly, grabbing her ass. Michelle was takin back a bit, but she didn't take long to walk forward and get closer to Greg. He stands up thinking she's coming to him to go to a "real man", as he would describe himself. When she gets close to him she smacked him. Hard😂! "you like it rough huh, does she b" he asked barack.
    "get the fuck out my house" barack said charging towards him. "baby he's not worth it" michelle said stoping him. "you better lucky i don't fucking kill you man" barack said gritting his teeth as the secret service escorted him out. he had his arm around miches waist protectively. "ayye allen hold up" barack said stoping him. "bring him to our bedroom window" he whispered in his ear😳. he grabbed michelle hand running upstairs. "mmm i love jealous sex" barack said kissing her as she rested on her elbows under him.

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