Part 31

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Barack POV:
"MOMMY! DADDY! GET UP SANTA CAME! COME ON MOMMY!" The Kids said jumping up and down on our bed😭. It felt like we had just put the presents out and laid down 😭. "Okay Give Mommy and Daddy a Minute to wake up" Michelle said cutting on the light. "Well Good Morning Ig😭" I said kissing her. "Good morning" She said. We got up and went In the living room. The kids started ripping up everything they saw with there name on it 😭. "Omg y'all didn't😳" Malia shouted! She got the Louis Vuitton wallet she wanted and the phone she wanted 😭. "Thank You Thank You" She hugging me and Michelle 😂. "Your welcome" we said in unison. "Woah" Ashton said unwrapping his new iPad. "What you get buddy" I asked him. "Santa brought me a new iPad daddy" He said sliming.
"Here baby" Michelle said handing me a big box😭. "Mmm what is this" I smirk 😏. I opened it to see a new suit and dress shoes 👞. "Thanks babe" I said kissing her ❤️. I went into the room and into my closet to pull all this Victoria Secret, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton Stuff for Michelle. "What is all of this!" She said as I placed like 15 bags in front of her 😭. I whispered in her ear and told her that the ones for Victoria Secret she couldn't open in front of the kids😭. "Aww Barack this is so cute baby thank you" Michelle said as she looked at me. The kids went back to sleep because they got up and 5:30 😭. "So now can I open them?!" Michelle asked me jumping off the bed. I told her yess and she started ripping things open.
"Your so dirty😭" She said as she looked at a lingerie I got her. "That's for after the baby is born" I said. "What if I put it on tonight😏" she smirked. "Then don't plan on being able to walk for two or three days" I winked at her 😭. "Well thank you for these baby I love them" She jumping into my arms😭. "I should've let you fall you big baby" I said kissing her cheek❤️. "I'm ready for the baby shower!" She said with a pout 🥺! "I know you are but we have to wait baby" I said as I laid down on the bed still holding her 😭. "Michelle did you know that momma is seeing a man!" Craig said as he busted in our bedroom. "Wait huh!" Michelle shouted getting off me. "Yeah I saw her being him in last night and he left out of here about 5 minutes ago" He said pacing the floor😭.

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