part 100

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Camden is currently sleeping on Michelle's chest as she catches up on scandal. malia and sasha are watching "keeping up the kardashians". ashton is in the office with barack laying on the floor with Bo watching his iPad. "I love you" Michelle said kissing camdens temple shutting her eyes🥺. she had to pee but didn't want to put him down. 
Michelle: can you come hold him while I go pee.
    Barack: just put him down he'll be fine.
     Michelle: nooooo! he could fall off or anything. you know that.
    Barack: fine im coming gimme a min please.
   Michelle: hurry i really have to pee barack.
    Barack: don't rush me or I'll stay in my office😭.
    Michelle: I can't stand you sometimes.
   Barack: you love me!
    Michelle: .......ha! I do and that's bad.
"im here with my sidekick" barack said as ashton was hot on his trail. "here im about to piss myself" michelle said laying Camden on his chest. Camden grunted loudly getting frustrated with Barack's chest 😂. she peed and came right back, he was still trying to get comfortable. "it might be because i don't  have boobs" barack said laying him back on Michelle's chest and he went fast asleep. ashton laughed throwing his head back. "daddy said boob" he said and Barack and michelle laughed. "grandma is killing me with this your mom moved out at 18 stuff" malia said walking in. "first of all rent was 13 cents back then, we're complaining about gas and she thinks I'm bout to buy a house" she said 😂. barack laughed loudly and hard. "he been sleep for 3 hours" michelle said aloud looking at her phone.
        "you did it to him" barack said. "not my fault milk puts him to sleep" michelle said back. "wake him, momma" malia said. michelle looked down at camden looking up at her. "how long have you been looking at me"she said sliming at me. she tried putting him on the floor but he held on to her not wanting to go. "give him a minute to wake up" she said laying him back on her chest🤍. "his eyes are closing again" she said looking at him. she knows why he's so sleepy. "Imma give him his bath and put him down" michelle said getting up going to there bathroom as barack followed. "mmm that looks good" barack said smirking looking at Michelle's ass 😏. she ran his bath water and put him in there. "he's so sleepy. staying up past midnight doesn't agree with him at all" michelle said washing him up. she started washing his hair and it sent straight to sleep. "awww look at him. he's so tired" michelle said kissing his cheek. "gosh he's so beautiful" michelle thought to her self 🥺. she took a picture and finished washing his hair.
       they only had 2 hours left of the flight is 7 in Washington but it's 1 in the afternoon in Hawaii. Malia and Sasha have gotten use to jet lag. Ashton getting better with it as he gets older. this is toots first time meeting camden other than seeing him in pictures🤍. barack and michelle put him down on the bed and he slept the whole rest of the flight. michelle took to instagram posting on her story "happy six months" to cam🥺.  ( below )

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