Part 49

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Barack POV:
*2 weeks later (6 AM)
"BARACK BABY GET UP! BARACK" Michelle said shaking me vigorously😭. "BARACK MY WATER JUST BROKE" She said and I shot up from the bed. I cut on the lights and scrambled to put my clothes on. "Hold on I'll be right back baby hold on" I said rushing out the door. "MARIAN" I yelled knocking on her door. "We Are leaving Michelle water broke" I said. I went back to the room to see Michelle holding her back and breathing slowly 🥺. "Come on let's go" I said helping her off the bed . We rode to the hospital and got in our room. "Well your water did break all the way. But you only dilated 5.5 Cm." The doctor said. "Okay so we have to wait" Michelle sighed. "Yes and are you going natural" The doctor asked. "God no" Michelle said back quickly😭. I stood in front of her as she laid her head in the middle of my chest. "I'm right here" I said as the doctor got the epidural ready🥺. I rubbed her back and kissed her temple❤️. "Ok First Lady don't move at all." The nurse said. " 1.....2...3" Michelle gripped my dress shirt and I heard something like rushing water😭. "He Had Bowel Movement" The nurse said.
"He peed on you" Michelle said softly 😭. "I know good thing I have on my old dress shoes" I said chuckling 😂. Michelle fell asleep not long after they gave her the epidural. I watched as her chest went up and down🥺. "Barack" She mumbled softly . "Yes" I said. "Can you rubbed my back" She asked. I went and sat on the bed and rubbed her back❤️. "Mmmm thank youuu" she hummed. She rolled over on her back and said "I think he's ready to come" 😭. She having a contraction, I hate seeing her in pain 🥺. (*30 minutes later)  "You ready" I said kissing her forehead ❤️. "Ok We are ready for you to push Michelle" The doctor said. Michelle looked up at me 🥺. "Daddy do you want to help deliver ?" The nurse asked me. "I don't think I can handle it" I said 😭. Michelle yelled out in pain😧. "Wow she's crowning hard never seen anyone crown that hard before" He said as she continued to groan in pain 🥺.
"Okay Push In 3.....2...1" The nurse said. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Michelle screamed. "She still crowning but he's not wanting to come out" The doctor said 😭. "It hurts" Michelle whined 🥺. She pushed again and took breathes. "I can't see anything. Can see if his head is out yet?" She said trying to look through the covers. "I'll faint if I look down there" I said😂. "DON'T PUSH ANYMORE" The Doctor Yelled. "WE HAVE A CODE PINK IN ROOM 312" The nurse yelled🤨. "Mister President Can I speak With You" The doctor asked me. We went out into the hallway. "Your son is breach and if we don't turn him around. Michelle or he could die or both of them" He said and I got teary eyed 🥺. "Then you tell me HOW IN THE HELL YOU DIDN'T CATCH THIS AT THE GOD DAMN ULTRASOUND WE HAD 2 WEEKS AGO" I yelled.

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