Part 64

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Michelle POV:
Barack and I woke up and worked out for an hour. "my legs are going to later but they have hurt worse, way worse" I said as we left the gym😭. "get upstairs so we can shower before the baby wakes up" he said grabbing my ass playfully making me run up the stairs😭. "good morning madame first lady and mister president" agent Allen said as Barack and I laughed non stop. "good morning" we said in sync 🤭. we showered and Barack got dressed but I put on my robe 😍. "alright baby I'm leaving I'll see you at lunch time for the podcast" Barack said walking out of the closet. "okay I love you" I said kissing him as a feed Camden🖤. "Say bye daddy" I said to Camden making him wave. I feed him for about 30 minutes and then I gave him a bath, got him dressed😍. He looked so cute, handsome just like his daddy😩. He got upset with me because I had to clean his nose 🥺. "I'm sorry Camden but momma has to do it" I said trying to hold him down. He cried and screamed 🥺. "Gosh what are you doing to my grandson" my mom said walking in 😭.
    "Im trying to clean his nose, I am almost done now" I said finishing up (thank god). "Grannyma doesn't like when momma hurts her baby" she said swaddling Camden in her arms 🥰. He calmed down after about 5 minutes. "Are you okay now and ready to go see ur siblings" I said grabbing him from my mom. It was 11:00 and I have my dress fitting for tmr at 11:05 so I handed the baby to Lia and went to start my day as the wife of the president 😭. "one thing I can tell is that Barack is going love this dress" Valerie said walking in admiring the dress 😍. "I think it shows to much of my curves and stuff" I said turning around in the mirror. "Well you are a well curved woman. the dress is perfect miche just wear a thong or no underwear cause you be able to see if you do" she added and I noted that in mind👍🏾. "ur husband wants you for lunch" she said. "we have the podcast so he'll already have me" I said laughing 😭. I changed out of the dress and text Malia.
Me: hey Lia. what's cam doing? Is he hungry cause I have a few extra minutes to feed him.
Malia🤭: hi momma! He's laying here looking at me 😭. I don't think he is hungry.
Me: ok well if he gets hungry I pumped a little this morning and it's in our room.
Malia🤭: okay I'll grab it when he gets hungry. love you queen ❤️.
I walked into the Oval Office to see Barack leaned against the front of the desk talking to some of his staff😍. "mmm the thing I could do to him" I thought to myself 😭. I walked over to him and he said "excuse us". I have on a sundress with a slit and no thong 😭. "get your ass in here" he said holding my arm😒. "stop that hurts" I said. "you just done loss your damn mind" he said. "boyyyy" I exclaimed with a smirk. "You know what the hell im talking bout that god damn sundress and guarantee you don't have a thong on" Barack said to me 😂. "I don't it's summer I need to let breathe a bit" I said pulling up the slit a little bit 😏.

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