Part 47

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Barack POV:
"I never sat up late hours watching a little human sleep. Before I was a mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to him/her down😩. I never felt my heart break into millions of pieces when I couldn't stop the pain🥺. I never knew something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much❤️. I never knew I would love being a mom. Before I was a mom, I never knew the feeling of having my entire beating heart outside my body." She said as I wiped my eye🥺. "Wow that's just beautiful" Gayle said. "Who is the meanest out of all of your children?" Gayle asked us. "I would say Sasha because she is just like Michelle😭 and it's scary" I said. "She has her attitude and temper." I said 😂. "Do you have an plans for after the baby is born?" Gayle asked us.
    "Ummm We are going to go to Hawaii because I was extremely nauseous the last time I flew which was November of last year and because of that we didn't got to Hawaii during last Christmas 😂" Michelle said. "DADDY!" Ashton shouted running in😳. "Hey Big Guy" I said placing him in my lap💙. "Can you say Hi to Miss Gayle, Ashton" Michelle said to him. "Hi I'm Ashton" He said brightly 🥺. "Well Hello Handsome" She said to him 😭. "What's are his nicknames?" Gayle asked. "Ummm I call him Sweet Boy and Pooh bear💙, Malia calls him squirt and bubs🖤, Sasha calls him chubs and bubba 😭, and Barack calls him Big guy and Little Man😂." Michelle Said giggling 😭. "What are your nicknames for her" Gayle asked me. "I call her Babe, Baby, Miche, Honey, and snuggles 🥰" I said sliming. "Are you ready for him to come out" Gayle asked Michelle.
"Yesss Lord" She exclaimed 😭. "This baby has sucked the life out of me since the 2nd trimester" Michelle said. She only has 4 more days🥺. When you actually think about it this is the last go round 😩. "What's y'all normal night routine?" She asked. "Well Barack is normally working, Malia on the phone or out, Sasha's on her iPad or something, Me and Ashton have mommy time 🥰, and then Barack and I tuck him to bed and I go to bed 😭." Michelle said as Ashton yawned rubbing his eyes🥺.

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