this is part 2 of my other story enjoy! the ages are different between barack and michelle and there "kids"! this story is taking place in todays world and years!
Michelle's POV: 1 week later! it's the night before my first borns 13th birthday 🥺. everyone is in town her friends from chicago, aunties, uncles, and godparents😭. barack is on his way home so he said but who knows. Camden is a month old as of tmr 😩. we have his appointment at eight in the morning so that way it want get in the way of the 4th of july and malias 13th birthday bash later on tmr night. malia went to sleep early cause she wasn't feeling well do to her monthly coming on this morning🥺. i texted her dad to bring her some chocolate and stuff to help out. "your home" I said as Barack walked into our bedroom. He nodded his at me before kissing my neck🤭. "here's Lia's things" he said placing them on the bed. I left and went to Malias room and put the bag of things on her nightstand. She looked so beautiful sleeping 🥹. "wanna cuddle" Barack asked me. I jumped in the bed and he held me tightly and we fell asleep🫶🏽. I slept till Camden 3 AM feeding. after that I went back to sleep in barack's arms❤️. feeling secure. "good morning mommy's boy" I said picking Camden up as he smiled at me. "yeah we have your appointment today and it's sissy's birthday" I said to him changing his diaper💙. "let's go see daddy". we got dressed and head out to the doctors office. "Camden why do you look like that" I said laughing cause he had this"wonder why we here again" face on😂.
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"hello everyone" the doctor said waking in. " so momma tell me what's his eating schedule is like" the doctor said. "umm he eats every two to three hours and depending on his last feeding he'll eat in the wee hours of the night" I said as he yawned and cooed loudly 😭. "when you say wee hours you mean like, 2 or 3 in the morning" she asked and I nodded my head. "and your nursing still correct". "correct I want to do it as long as I can" I responded. "Have the two of you resumed your sex life again" she asked typing info in the computer. "we hadn't until a few days ago" Barack said biting his lip😏. "is he sleeping ok anything going on with that" she asked. "ummmm I feed him around eight or nine and it puts him to sleep then he'll wake up and eat again then go back to sleep" I said as he looked at me sliming 💙. "Now is he active" she asked. "if he is anything he's active. He loves to kick and he's putting everything in his mouth now" Barack said laughing. they gave him shots 🥺. I hate it and always will.