part 98

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    "malia sweetie go to ur room take ur brother" Barack said. "nooo he's staying with me" michelle said holding cam as he was still eating. "I didn't say anything wrong" lia asked worried. "no babygirl just go to bed, I love you" he said dismissing her. "miche look at me" he said looking at her. "we promised each other..... i promised you that you wouldn't go through this only baby" barack said sliding his hand in hers 🥺. she bite her bottom lip as a tear fell down her cheek. "i didn't think she heard me...... yeah I cried for you but that didn't change anything" she said still looking away. "my app said i was late..... i was scared and i didn't want to bother you." she said biting her lip again. "I started throwing up the night of Malias party when Camden and I went to bed. Then it just stopped and I started feeling nauseous. so I took the test which was negative but mom swore up and down the Mason Dickson Line that I was pregnant again" she said looking at barack with tears falling.
     "so the night malia was talking about after a battle with cam trying to get him to sleep he went after about 2 hours. the throwing up came back. I was already missing you which made it a bit harder🥺." michelle said. "I cried ur name out but not loudly and she must have heard it" she said and he looked at with sadness in his eyes. "baby I'm so sorry" he said wiping her tears. "it's okay.... it's campaign season we had him during a tuff time" michelle said burping camden. they walked to their bedroom and got ready for bed with cam. Barack and Camden were both laying on michelle. barack took his arm wrapping it around her waist laying his head on her stomach. this interrupted camdens sleeping position madly. he wasn't sleep he was just on Michelle's chest sucking a his pacifier. he grunted trying to move around before looking up at michelle like "get your husband, man before i do" 😂. "what's wrong baby, is daddy in ur way" she asked him as he got fussy grunting mean ole grunts too. barack got up and laid on his side of his bed mad! "you know she's my wife" he said to Camden.
camden looked at him a slimed slightly falling asleep on Michelle's chest. "you okay miche" barack asked her as she looked at Camden sleeping beside her snuggled into her chest🥺. "yeah just looking at him sleep" she said back. he pacifier was starting to fall out his mouth. barack started to pull it out. "don't do that! he will cry and don't feel like dealing with getting him back to sleep just leave it please" michelle said grabbing his hand resting it on her ass. he didn't mind it at all matter fact he started rubbing it😂. "mmm it's been a minute since you've gave me a booty rub" she said sliming. "should i do it more often" he said nuzzling her neck. "yes you should" she said happily. they fell asleep but michelle woke up putting camden in the middle of them cause she didn't want him to fall off of their bed. "I wanted to hold you" barack whined half sleep. "im still here" michelle said softly sliding her hand in his🫶🏽. "ur so warm baby please" he whined squeezing her hand.
      michelle got up and put camden in the bassinet beside their bed. the second she got back in bed barack pulled her into his body. "you happy now" she said softly. "mmm yes baby daddy's happy so is he" barack said and michelle rolled her eyes😭. "good night... I love you" michelle said. "good night snuggs..... I love you" he said back and they went to sleep ❤️.

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