Part 38

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Michelle POV:
"Barack I have a figure they are probably going to have it or a better one" I said😭. "But I don't like it Michelle she used to be so little" he said sadly🥺. "I don't either Barack but She growing up I miss her being little too" I said as him rubbed his forehead. "Well at least we still have a few years till Sasha" He said "Here" I said handing him the pictures of Cam💙. He looked through the pics from the ultrasound. "I order some more things for him" I said rubbing Barack shoulders❤️. "Oh yeah like what" He said. "Well since I got everything that was on my list at the baby shower except the bed stroller and feeding cover that's what I order." I said. "What's a feeding cover😭" He asked me. "I know how you are about people seeing what's yours so the feeding cover is to go over my chest if I have to breast feed in public" I answered his question.
   "Oh Don't forget we have a campaign event tmr" He said laying back on me🥰. "Where at?" I questioned. "Ohio" He said looking up at me😭. "We have 2 hours till the interview, you need to sleep" I said. He hummed in response agreeing with me 😂. His head was on my chest and I rest mines against his❤️. He fell asleep and so did I😭. ( 1 hour and a half later)... "Tie or no tie" he asked me. "Tie it makes you look Presidential" I said laughing 😂. "Okay" He said. Ashton walked in and started tugging at the bottom of my dress. "What is it Ashton?" I asked and he held his hands up. I knew what it was I could tell when I looked in his face🥺. "I think He is sleepy" I said to Barack. "Damnit" He grunted🙄. "We only have 20 minutes to get him to sleep" He said looking at his watch. We laid him down but he tossed and turned 🥺.
"I don't think he feels good Barack, He's really red" I said sitting down on the bed. "I don't know how I feel about leaving him" I said as he started coughing🥺. "I'll cancel our interview" He sighed out. I called Malia to bring me the thermometer to check and see if he had a fever. "103.9" I said to Barack🙁. He took off Ashton shirt to try and help him cool off. "If it doesn't go down we taking to the hospital" I said laying down beside him. He was coughing roughly like those dry coughs that hurt 😭. "Wonder what it could be" Barack said. "It could be a cold or the flu but Idk" I said rubbing Ashton back💙. About an hour or two went by.... "Hand me the thermometer baby" I said to Barack.

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