Part 68

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Michelle POV:
"I had to handle some business" Barack said as we laid back down 😭. "You don't have to lie daddy I know what y'all did" Malia said and Barack and I looked at each other. "you guys I'm not little anymore" she said handing me Camden 💙. "what did we do then since your so grown" Barack said to Malia rolling his eyes😂. "well nowadays they call it nibbling or tongue f-u-c-k" she said spelling out the word fuck. I laughed loudly and Camden jerked his head and cried 🥺. "im sorry baby mommy didn't mean to scare you" I said kissing his cheek rocking him back to sleep. He kept on crying, "gosh he has some lungs on him" Barack said. "I know" I replied 😭. He latched on this time praise god cause he hasn't ate since 3:00 and it 11:00 now 😕. "slow down, mommy and her milk isn't going anywhere" Barack to said to him. He kept going not caring what daddy said 😭. "does that hurt momma" Lia asked me. "No but it can if your nipples get irritated" I said as Camden hit me in the chest 😒. "hi don't hit my wife" Barack said playfully mad 😭. Camden growled at him it sounded like 😟.
"did he just growl at you" I said looking up Barack😭. "What are you guys going to do for your wedding anniversary next year" Malia asked, she's always full of questions🥰. "Well it falls on debate night so I don't know" Barack said kissing my forehead. "do you want to go to the state dinner with us tmr" I asked her. "Not really but can Talia come over tmr" she asked back. "Sure as long as you guys behave yourselves while we are gone" I said. "hey can you grab the cream out of his bag for me" I asked Barack as lifted out from between his legs letting him get up ❤️. he came back with some of the cream on his thumb. "rub it on their" I said to him as I let Malia burp Camden 🥺. he was doing it and whispered in my ear "remind you of something". I moaned low in his ear as he pinched and tugged at my nipple 😩. I gathered myself together after our little sensual moment 😂. about an hour later we went to bed in our room including all of the kids😭.
   It went Barack with Camden on his chest, Sasha cuddle under her daddy's side, Malia, and Ashton cuddle to me🥰. I don't know how we all fit but we did and slept till 10 am😟. Pete Souza managed to seek in a get a few pictures 😂. I woke to Malia, Sasha, and Ashton sitting up in the middle of the bed with there eyes glued to the tv and eating baby yogurt melts 🥹. "good morning mommy" they said as got up to change Camden❤️. "HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADDY" they yelled jumping on Barack as he rolled over 🤣. I took pictures best I could 😍. "Guys let's not crush the old man's ribs" Malia Said and I busted out laughing 😂. "Thanks you guys" he said laughing as they got off him. "happy father's day my love" I said kissing him on the lips 🫶🏽. "he is your gift this year" I said. "well he is the best gift ever" Barack said taking Camden from him 🥺. We all played for a bit then Barack and I had to get ready for this evening 🤭.

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