this is part 2 of my other story enjoy! the ages are different between barack and michelle and there "kids"! this story is taking place in todays world and years!
Barack's POV: Our baby boy is a month old 💙 and our old is 13 today🥺. "can you hand me that baby tyenol out his bag" michelle asked me when we got in the car. Camden was cranky cause he had shots today. she gave him the medicine and he was asleep before we got back home😭. Malia and Sasha are gone to get there nails and hair along with all the other girly stuff done for later on. We had shirts made for her birthday bash💗. "DADDY" Ashton yelled jumping in my arms. "Hi buddy awww I missed you" I said hugging him tightly. "were you a good boy for mommy while I was gone" I asked him. He gave me two thumbs up and a big slime that's just melted my heart 😩. Michelle put him down for a nap with Camden so he wouldn't be sleepy later. "Imma pump so I want have to sit and nurse later" Michelle said. "that's smart" I said reading over some papers.
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3 hours later...... "ok everyone it is time for speech's" Valerie said as I took the stage. "I told Michelle I wouldn't cry but no promises" I said chuckling😭. "to my first born, my little girl, and our dearest Malia. there is a special place within my heart that is reserved just for you. filled with memories from your childhood, laughs we shared, tears we cried or shedded together, all over the years saved there. those years were so precious to me and your mother🥺, but oh how quickly they passed. Now stands before me, my daughter" and this is when the tears came falling 😭. "no longer a baby or a child, but a young woman, beautiful, smart, funny young woman. as I look at you..... I see you mothers beauty,strength, smarts, and I'm filled with pride to see that reflected in you. you have become this wonderful, kind, happy, loving person. even tho all of this happened so fast, I will always remember holding you for the first time, your first word which was dada sorry miche" I said wiping my eye and laughing😂. "I am grateful beyond words for the love and happiness you have brought to me. I love you deeply babygirl......and I want to thank you for adding so much love and joy to my life these past 13 years." I said looking at Malia as she wiped her tears away🥺. I walked off the stage and Malia grasped onto me. "happy birthday lia" I said wiping her tears and kissing her forehead💗.