Part 66

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Michelle's POV:
"hi mamas boy" I said picking up Camden out of his rocker 💙. He stretched with a yawn as I picked him up. "Did he eat" I asked Malia. "No but dance around and sung and FaceTimed Leslie" she said putting on lip gloss 😭. "So he's probably getting hungry" I said as he wrapped his hand around my finger 🥺. "wanna go see daddy" I said walking out of Malias room. I went and grabbed his diaper bag cause he might get hungry while we are at daddy's office. "Ah Madame First Lady he's in a meeting with the Speaker of the house" Lauren said to me. "Ok I'm still going in" I said not giving two flying fucks 😭. "well isn't this the best surprise a man could get" Barack said looking up to us walking in ❤️. "hi" he said kissing my cheek. "Madame First Lady" John said to me. "Is this the newest edition to the family" he asked as Barack showed off Camden proudly 🥺. "wa-w-wah-wa-wah" Camden uttered. "yep right on time" I said looking at my watch😂.
      "Hold on Cam I'm coming" I said looking for his feeding cover. I took him from Barack and went to a room that was connect to the oval 😭. I sat down and popped out my nipple but he wouldn't latch on. His cry became more demanding 🥺. I tired guiding him to latch but he jerked his head the other way. "miche everything ok" Barack asked walking in. "He want latch on and I checked his butt he has on clean diaper" I said trying to him to latch again. "come here" Barack said picking him up😍. "Yeah thats daddy baby" he said rocking and rubbing his back calming him down 💙. "I think he's sleep" he said to me. "okay I'll take him you get back to work" I said. He looked so beautiful sleeping peacefully 😩. We got back to the residence and put him down for the evening (I'll watch him with the monitor). I was tried my damn self 😭. So I grabbed a fresh lace thong and one of Barack's shirts and got in the shower.
      I don't know why but I keep feeling the urge to touch myself😂. I normally don't have too cause my husband takes care of it 😏. It's been a while seen I fingered myself, last time I did it was cause he told me too. I have an idea😏. I grabbed my phone and went to Barack name in my contacts and pressed the video button 🤭. I videoed me pleasuring myself and moaning then sent it to him. I know he's in the office so why not make him eager to come home a bit early 😭. I sent another message just saying "I love you" .
   Barack's POV:
"Can I have the room please" I asked the agent posted at my office door. Michelle sent me an video attachment and a message saying "I love you" ❤️. I opened the video to her playing with herself in the shower😍. "Holy shit" I said to myself. "Lauren can you lock up for me, Michelle needs me at home" I asked her. She said yes and I slammed the door speed walking to the residence😭. "ah Barack slow down everything ok" Valerie asked stopping me in my tracks. "Yes everything is fine, Michelle need me at home" I said. I made it to our room and she was looking through her draw and we saw the door open she looked up 😍. "Hi honey what's got you home this early" She said rubbing lotion on her legs. "I got your message" I said walking up behind her. I wrapped my hands around her kissing her neck. "mmmmm" she hummed 😩. Camden starting crying and it came through the baby monitor 😕.

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