Duck You!

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( Girl - Italics
  Boy - Bold
  Boy's best friend - Underlined )

(Oct 21)

~ Eshana, a 21-year-old girl, was trapped by the idea of a marriage arranged by her parents without her knowledge to a millionaire. She, who is heartbroken, decides to go to a bar where she gets drunk and plans to call her brother, who is currently working in the United States. However, due to her dizziness, she dials the wrong number.

~ On the other side of the world is Zachary Ashford, the most popular and hottest football captain of the Newcastle Football team, in California. He was getting dressed for a party when he received a phone call from an unknown number. He picked up the phone after some reluctance and was amused by what the person on the other end of the line was saying,

(+91)92671901** || +1 (209) 502-67**

"Bro! Our p- *hiccups* -parents are arranging my marriage with a danger. I don't want to, m-mary! They say it's for busyness... tell them not t-*hiccups* -to do that. Why are you still not back from the USA? *sobs*"

" Uh... I'm sorry for you but, you've got the wrong number"

"Don't you want to save me? *hiccups* I hate you!
You know what? *hiccups* duck you Bhai!"

"uh, what? you mean.. oh! but I'm not-"


"Hello? you there?"


"Well then, good night stranger"




"Dude! stop staring at the phone like
a creep. it's getting late to the party"

"Huh? oh"

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