Miss me?

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Zach's Pov :

One week. 

It's been one week since I haven't contacted anyone from my family. 

The hardest part was not being able to contact her. 

I never experienced this feeling. This feeling is completely foreign to me. Feeling of longing. The worst part is that I'm not able to share it with anyone. Not even my best friend Brad, since he has taken emergency leave without informing me. I'm all alone here trying to focus on my practice. 

But on the brighter side, just one week left for this most important match on which my whole career is dependent. I can't get distracted and yet again I can't help but worry, 

'What would she be doing right now?'

'Is she missing me just like I do?' 

'What if she's mad at me for not informing her earlier?' 

'What if-' 

"-AHHH! WTF!" I held my hand on my head as I fell due to the strong force. I rub my head while glancing up to find my coach glaring at me and our team surrounding me with a shocked look on their face.

"Care to explain the reason why you were zoned out during the practice standing in the middle of the ground like a fucking Zombie?!" He snapped as he continued to glare at me.

I stood up from the ground adjusting my helmet "Well, it was personal but I'll make sure I won't be distracted again" I assured him.

"I've never seen you getting distracted until today so make sure to never let me and your team down as you know how important this match is." He stated and went away asking everyone to stand in their positions.

'God! Eshana, you'll be the death of me' I chucked internally before running to my position and carry on with my practice.


(One week ago)

Third person's POV :

The next day afternoon, somewhere on the other side of the country a girl and a boy stood in the airport waiting for the flight to land. After a while, they became anxious as they both knew it was time. As they waited, they heard the announcement of the arrival of a certain flight and they both ran towards the entrance. 

"Can you recognize them anywhere?" the boy asked.

"Huh? I don't- I mean, I don't know how they look...like" the girl said as she realized that she has never seen their face.

"WHAT?!" He snapped grabbing the attention of people nearby.

"How on earth did you even talk to them, you idiot? How are we going to find them now?" He asked in horror.

"Shut up! I wanted to see them for the first time in real and not through pictures. And we don't have to see them for recognition! We confirm through call-" she was about to continue but he cut her off,

"Holy Sh-Fish!" He exclaimed startling her as his eyes widened staring in a particular direction. She followed his gaze to finally see the sight that made her jaw drop. Not just them but the sight grabbed a lot of attention from the crowd. 

The sight was non-other than a man in a business suit with an intimidating look walking elegantly with three girls with different looks wearing black leather dresses walking in style with their backpacks. It was just a sight of sore eyes. 

Just the man with a familiar look had her realize it was them she was waiting for. As an outgoing girl she was, she ran towards them without hesitation leaving the boy next to her who was still in a daze.

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