Breaking News

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Zach's POV :

"I know I love you and you love me too but this can't continue. You know we are miles away and I can't leave my family there and nor can you. At first, it seemed easy but now, I don't think it's gonna work out well, for any of us" Her words lingered in my mind. 

For who knows how long, I lay on my bed thinking about all the days I had spent with her. I didn't feel this way when I broke up with Becca. Nope. The suffering I experienced back then pales in comparison to what I am currently experiencing. With Ana, no matter how difficult it will be, I still believe that we can overcome this together. But, when I considered all the options that may bring us back together, I couldn't help but lose that sliver of optimism I had.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Zach baby? Open the door! It's dinner time." I heard my mom call out loud as she knocked on the door again.

"Mom! Stop calling me that! I'm not a kid anymore and no, I'm not hungry" I muttered, glaring at the ceiling. As I heard the knock on the door eventually stop after some time, I sighed in relief.

I turned to face the nightstand, my attention fixed on my phone. The corners of my lips curved up as I remembered how this phone was the reason I fell in love. The journey of the wrong number to random conversations, our heartfelt convo to her ignorance, her confession to being my girlfriend, our meet-ups to our parting ways.

As I sat up and was about to grab my phone from the nightstand, there was a knock on the door, and this time I got annoyed.

"Mom! Didn't I tell you I'm not hungry-" I was cut off by a slam.

"Is that how you talk to mom?" My brother narrowed his eyes at me, as he closed the door before walking towards me.

I was about to argue but I was silenced by his glare. Gripping my phone, I turned to the other side as I felt his presence next to me.

"Zach-" Before he could continue, I cut him off with a chuckle.

"I know what you gonna say. It's obviously 'I told you so, Zach. I told you it's not gonna last long. Why don't you listen to me?', right? Haha. You were so right, bro. Good things never last long" I hissed through my teeth. Not long, I felt a pat on my back.

"Zach, it's true that good things don't last long but that doesn't mean there's no way to hold on to it. It may take a while, maybe months or years but there'll be a way" He let out a sigh. 

"But I've thought of all the ways. There's nothing that could keep us together" My voice broke as I looked into his eyes.

"Zach, remember one thing. There are 2 ways to think of a solution: through our heart and through our mind. If you think through your mind when you're not supposed to, you'll never get a solution. In this case, think through your heart coz logical thinking cannot always be applied. Do you want her? Have that determination. If you keep saying there's no way, well then, there won't be any. People usually pray to God if they lose hope but you know what the words linger within your mind? Amen, and you know what it means? It means 'so be it'. Your God doesn't give you a solution. He blesses you with whatever you want him to. You say you can't find ways, then he'll say 'so be it' but, if you say you will find ways no matter what, he'll say 'so be it'.

Be hopeless or determined? The choice is yours." He stated as he got up from the bed before holding his hand out for me. 

I closed my eyes as his words rang in my mind, and with a final choice, I placed my palm firmly on his as I peered into his eyes with determination. He patted my back before he headed to the door.  I followed him as he opened the door and we walked out of the room.

As we walked down the stairs, my mom instructed Mrs. Mary to serve the dishes. I turned around to find Maddy who was sitting unusually silent as she stared at the space. Grandma, too, was unusually calm. I let it slide as I took a seat, and just as we were about to dine in, the pleasant atmosphere was interrupted by a ringtone. We stared at my brother, who seemed annoyed as he answered the call.

"What is it, Eliot?" My brother questioned his Assistant, Elliot in a cold tone.

"Hmm. Alright", He replied after a while before hanging up the call.

"Mary, Mrs. Could you please turn on the TV for me, please?" He stared at her, his jaw clenched. Mrs. Mary flashed him a nod before heading to the TV stand. She switched on the tv and, under my brother's instructions, changed the channel to the Global News.

As we continued to have dinner, 

Breaking News!

The reports about the engagement of the infamous Millionaire Mr. Ryan Mishra and the Millionaire Dinesh Agarwal's only daughter Eshana Agarwal have been called off having gone widespread, and it's astonishing to learn that Mr. Mishra himself verified the claims at the conference last night. It has also been stated that his shares will be withdrawn shortly as a result of this decision. Not long after that, we learned about Mr. Agarwal's meeting with an accident!
Is it just an accident? 

a coincidence? 
Keep watching The Global News for further updates.

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