Tomboy Disha

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Eshana's POV:

*ring ring*

I got ready. As I was about to take the backpack, I heard my phone ring. I picked it up to hear,

"Eshana? You ready? Where's your brother?" the person asked.

"Yes I am and I'm sure Amar has reached downstairs. But how are we planning to escape?" I asked as I packed my essentials and some valuable things and continued to stuff them in my bag.

"I have an idea. Now listen carefully...." the person continued to explain the plan in detail and as I continued to listen, I was totally speechless.

"You do know that my brother...he won't- No way! He'll bury me alive! And my parents too!" I exclaimed in horror. 

"Oh babe, C'mon. This is the only way and you trust me, right? Just go one with it!" the person said and hung up. 

I placed the phone on the table and glanced towards the corner of the table to find the idol of Lord Ganesh. I picked it up from the table and held it close to my heart before closing my eyes.

'I guess this is it then. I'm sorry mom and dad but I've got no choice. Lord, please help me' I prayed and placed the idol in my side bag. 

I sneaked into my brother's room in search of something. It's a good thing that my room is just opposite his room. I kept wandering my eyes until a silver color thing catches my eyes.

'Found it!' I did a little victory dance as I took that thing and got back into my room.

I took my bag and threw it out of my balcony. I then took the long rope enough to reach the ground. I tied it to the grills of my balcony. When I found it was tight enough, without thinking much, I climbed over the balcony and got down with the help of the rope. 

As soon as I reached the ground, I ran to my garage and peaked in to find my brother's car missing. I glanced and my watch. 

'Hm. 40mins to go'

I entered the garage and took the cover to find my handsome hero. My brother's bike. 

It's been a while since I've gone for a ride with him

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It's been a while since I've gone for a ride with him. 

I climbed on the bike and took the key which I stole from my brother's room and slid it in. I started the bike and drove away.


At half away, I stopped the bike at the corner and waited for certain someone. 

'Where on earth are they?! I told them it was one hour to go but that doesn't mean they come after an hour!' I huffed as I stood in the corner. 

It was a dark yet beautiful sight to see. With busy roads and street lights, the sun has already made its way out giving a clear view of beautiful stars. 

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