My First Kiss!

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Eshana's POV :

I ran my fingers through his hair as I stared at him while his head is placed on my lap as he was sleeping like a baby. I can't believe he went through so much more than I could ever imagine and I wish no one go through this as he did. One thing I loathe in my entire existence is lies and betrayal but what he has gone through by getting betrayed by his ex in such a cruel way... I can't imagine that. A father losing his baby he never knew was coming and when he knew, it was not how a parent would want to hear, and most of all, how could Rebecca ask him to forget it? 

'I promise that if she ever crosses paths with us or hurts Zach, I'll make her forget her own existence because no one knows who she'd be dealing with.', I scoffed to myself.

I glanced at my watch and it was already 2 hours since we have been here, in his treehouse. My eyes flickered down at him.

'Should I wake him up?' I wondered. 'I guess not. He needs rest... But, he didn't have his dinner. It's not good to skip dinner. Also, he didn't have anything in the evening' I thought and decided to wake him up.

"Zach?" I whispered as I brushed his hair away from his eyes. There was no response from his side.

"Zach? Wake up" I said, shaking him a little. I felt him stir before going back to sleep. For a second I felt like I'm dealing with myself. 

I shook him again causing him to slowly open his eyes before glancing around until his eyes landed on me. He sat up on the bed, stretching his hands out before he let out a sigh and for a while, non of us spoke a word.

"So..." I tried to break the silence and it worked. 

He let out a sigh. "I get it, Ana. After making you realize how much of a fool I am, I even let my own baby die just because I chose to take her changes for granted. I also wonder, what if I'd rushed to the hospital minutes earlier, could I have prevented it?" He said, his face showing no emotions as he stared at me. I moved close to him, resting my hand on his in comfort.

"Zach, you're no fool, alright? You can't control-" I was cut off by him as he pulled his hand away from mine before getting up on his feet.

"I am, Eshana! I know I am! I am not a that Mr.Perfect who a girl would love to be with and mostly not when she's you! I don't deserve you, Ana! You and I both know that... I can give you comfort but not safety and most of all, I can't give you the life you want-" I cut him off as I hopped on my feet and placed my palm on his lips, preventing him from saying any further. 

"Zach, Listen to me without interrupting!" I said, sternly as I looked into his eyes and he nodded in a daze. I removed my palm away from his lips before starting off with what I had to say. 

"Look! first of all, as I said earlier, you're no fool, hm? Also, you cannot take decisions for me when you've no clue of what I want! You cannot decide what's best for me, Zach! No one can! And, about what happened, you cannot possibly think that you can prevent things from happening." he was about to argue but he stopped when he glanced at the look on my face. 

I continued, "I'm not good at comforting someone so, forgive me if I'm being blunt but Rebecca doesn't seem like someone who would change her mind since she's still not feeling guilty, even now. So, you go there early or late won't make a difference since it's mostly based on what a mother wants." I let out a sigh before walking close to him, resting my hand on his cheek.

"And for what you said, no one is a Mr. or Ms. Perfect here. This ain't a fiction where there's a guy who's strong like 6.5 feet with tattoos, the world is scared of him and there's a girl who's weak and needs protection and care. I mean that's how it is, right?" My nose wrinkled as I stared at him in confusion and he chucked at that before nodding his head. Yes! one down.

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