Sarcastic Queen

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(Nov 20)

(Someone | Zach | Eshana)

"Hey, Ana! Did you miss me?"

"Ugh crap! I knew I forgot something."


"So you fainted from the excitement of getting a response from me? Great. great. That's totally understandable. Alright, call back when you're conscious"

"Since you're not here, I'm rolling my eyes right now. But wait... Uh. You're not Eshana."

"And you've got an awesome observation skill there. I've to say I'm impressed, my boy *cough*...*cough*..."

"First thing, you sound like a crying frog that got its voice cracked up. Secondly, who the hell are you?!"

"I don't sound like a crying frog, you twat! I'm the most beautiful sarcastic queen! I-"

"Ridha! Did you pick the call? Who was it?"

"Yeah Eshu! It was that stupid mutual funds asking if you'd like to invest. If you do, then they'll give you back double with profit...... "


".... After you die. I mean why the hell do we need money after we die? So I asked them to give me money first and I'll invest later. They hung up"


"Ohh wow. Good one Ri! I'll have a shower and be back"

"'Kay boo!"

"Soo... Are you her sister?"

"Sister from another mother"

"OH! Now I get it. Soo.."


"So about some mutual funds, you made that up? Cause that cracked me up lmao! "

"Nah. I got that call before yours. So yeah"


"Yeah! laugh all you want. Now tell me, do you like Eshu?"

"Ahem. W-what? Do you mean like? Or like-like kind of a like?"

"I meant like-like kind of a like, not just like kind of a like"

"Ooh. I don't like-like like her. I mean not that.... Um.. I-I..."

"Yeah I got it. You don't like her. So since you're her friend, are you okay with me sending a wedding invitation of her and Ryan Mehra-"

"WTF! Noo! They aren't marrying, are they? No! He's not good for her! I'm sure he forced her! I'm gonna kill hi-"

"Hahahhaaa! *cough*cough* Ahem!
...Omg! It's hard to laugh without making a sound! So seee? Anyway, I'm going to ask you again. Do you like Eshu?"

" Okay! Fine! yeah I freaking like her a lot okay? Now what am I going to do about that?! We are miles apart! How can this even work?"

"Oh duffer! If you keep having thoughts about how far you guys are, it'll definitely not work! Look. I shouldn't say this since I promised her but she likes you too, okay? I guess it's more than just a like and no matter how much of a stupid, jerk, ass hole you are.... I'll support you both.
Oml! My kid is growing up! Waaaaawa!"

"Wow! You both are really good friends and I'm not a jerk or whatever you mentioned. I'm the most handsome guy, after my brother! Anyway, I'll plan on how to meet up and you gotta help me with this one. I want to surprise her. Sooo, thank you so much Ridha for this."

"Aww boo! It's alright. But if you hurt my baby girl, I'll throw you a tight punch on your face, chop you into tiny little pieces, prepare soup with it and feed it to street dogs. Okay bye-"

"Hey! I'd never hurt her! Ever. So, can I talk to Esh-"


"-ana? Uh. I guess not. Ugghhh! "


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