Bestfriend's grandchild

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Eshana's POV :

It was 24th December, 8:30 am in San Francisco. After taking a shower, I changed into a kurta kameez (an Indian traditional outfit). I was about to dry my hair when I heard a knock on the door. As I headed to the door and opened it, I find Maddy looking at me with curiosity. She pushed me aside as she entered the room and then settled herself on the bed.

"So...spill the details", she said. I gave her a perplexed look as I turned to close the door.

"What exactly are you talking about?" I questioned while using the towel to dry my hair as I countinued to stare at her.

"Oh please! You know what I'm referring to, and just so you know, I was awake last night. 'You are my reason' huh?" The realization dawned on me as she looked at me with a smirk. She brought up the tune I played the previous evening. My cheeks began to flush as I thought back on those moments.

"Someone's blushing! So what were you both up to? Did you guys make out?! Did you hmff hmff-" I covered her mouth with my palm as she continued to ask loudly, enough for the entire mansion to hear her. This girl doesn't have a filter in her mouth, does she?!

She finally stopped babbling, and I removed my hand from her mouth.

"Do you have any sense? What if someone overheard you asking that?" I asked in a whisper, staring at her in bewilderment. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh, c'mon. I don't have to yell for everyone to know what you did up there! So, tell me before I do it for real" She stated, waiting for my response.

I let out a sigh "Okay, fine! We didn't do anything, alright? Just cut the cake, have dinner, and dance for a while. Nothing like what you assume" I just blurted it out.

"Which is romantic! It's a actual progress since you're meeting for the first time." She mumbled "But, Do. Not. let. my. ship. sink. like. The. Titanic! Despite of the fact that it was unforgetable for decades... I'd prefer not have my Rose sleep alone on the door and let my jack freeze, or vice versa. Is that clear?" she warned as she locked her gaze on me. This poor soul has no idea that her gaze looks more adorable than scray, but as they say, 'if you mess with a cat, you get the whiskers'.

"Sure, Maddy. I'll give it a shot from my end" I assured her. "Now let's go have some breakfast. Everyone's probably waiting" I stated as I headed to the door, leaving the towel in the laundry.

"Yeah, sure... everyone is waiting" I heard her chuckle as she followed me downstairs.

We arrived at the dining hall to find everyone waiting, and as I approached them, Aunt Amelia, Zach's mom spotted us.

"Oh! Here they are. Come here, both of you. Take a seat" She waved at us. I headed to her side and was about to touch her feet (a cultural gesture in India used in order to ask blessings from elders) when she stopped me, 

"You don't have to do so. My blessing will always be with you" She smiled and patted my head softly, and also the same response from Grandma, but I couldn't find Uncle Williams anywhere. Looking around the table, I spotted two chairs- one next to Disha and the other next to Zach. But, Maddy beats me to the seat next to Disha as I was about to walk up to it.

"Eshana! What are you waiting for? There's a seat next to Zach." Maddy smirked, and I rolled my eyes internally, knowing she played it well. That's when my gaze was drawn to his, and I noticed a smirk on his face as well. What's up with both of them smirking today?
Having no choice but to take a seat between them, and now I'm sitting directly across my brother and another handsome man who has a cold and dominating aura around him. I haven't seen him anytime in the last two weeks.

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