Alexa, the co-brother-in-law?

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Eshana's POV :

My eyes widened at the sight before me as I stared at them, precisely my two favorite people with my virgin eyes until I couldn't handle it anymore. I slowly retreated as I closed the door slowly without making a sound. With my eyes widened and my stunned expression, I turned around to see Ridha portraying the same expression as mine as we both got back into the lift and drove back to the mansion with just one thing question in my mind, 

'What in the world is happening around me?'

As we reached the mansion, I realized the lights were on. Looks like someone's awake. 

"Is it Alexa again?" Ridha panicked. 

"Alexa! Why would you call him that?! And how are we going to deal with him now?" I frowned as I glanced at her before getting out of the car. 

"Huh! Who's scared of him? And if not Alexa, what is he? Obviously an emotionless Bot! And his name itself is Alexander, hence the evolution of the most famous, Alexa which is named after him", she said as she successfully failed at hiding her panic as we reached the door. 

" Chup! Now let's get in and since you aren't afraid, you go first" I said before pushing her forward.  I heard her scoff as she said, "tsk. tsk. What can you do without me, huh!" as she tried to roll her shoulders before raising her hand to knock on the door. I waited for the next 5 mins and yet she didn't knock. 

"You good? C'mon, knock. Why do you look afraid?" I smirked. 

"Uh?.. N-no! Me? A-afraid? Hehe. You must be delusional!" She stuttered. Again she raised her hand to knock and what happened next hand be chuckle at her. 

"Hehe. Please Eshu baby? I can't do this anymore. *sob* I'm so strong that he's my co-brother-in-law which is why it'd be bad if I break his bones and fight with your in-laws before your marriage so I surrender. Please" She fake sobbed as she ran behind me. 

'Co-brother-in-law? In-laws?' 

"He's not going to eat you alive" I rolled my eyes at her before knocking on the door. 

The door was opened by none other than Xander who raised his eyebrows as he stared down at us before letting us in.

"Break my bones? Just try looking at the mirror before fantasizing about something that can never happen" He chucked before switching off the lights. 

"Hey! Why did you off the lights?! Alexa, turn on the lights" Ridha yelled in a whisper but luckily he didn't hear as he was long gone. 

"Are you seeking trouble? 'Alexa, turn on the lights' he'll turn you off from our lives too" I mimicked as I ran past her and climbed the stairs slowly as I tried to not slip before getting into my room. I was about the close the door when all of a sudden, Ridha sneaked in. 

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? Please" She asked to which I nodded before closing the door shut. 

Not bothering to change our outfits, we just swiftly jumped on the bed. For a while, there was a comfortable silence. 

"I can't believe what we witnessed today" She exclaimed in a whisper as she turned around to face me. That's when I remember the incidents that took place today. 

"How about you? You said you'd be late and you ain't alone, huh-huh?" I raised my eyebrows at her causing her to blush.

"Nothing happened. I was just wandering around and he insisted on tagging along" She said, trying to avoid my gaze.

"And why are we talking about myself now? Weren't you concerned about what happened a while ago?" She tried to change the topic and I let it slide for now.

"Uh-huh. And can I look at them the same way I used to?" I asked as I smiled at her awkwardly. 

"I've no idea. No wonder Amar only listens to her... No no! Let me rephrase that- 'Amar is only afraid of her' " She chucked. 

"I don't mind though, coz I approve them. But I didn't want to know that in the way we saw today, shweesh" I turned around and stuffed my face on the pillow before letting out a scream and I heard her laugh. Not long after, we fell into a deep slumber. 


Soon, it turned 7 in the morning and I tried to block the sunlight falling in my face as I tried to sleep. But it was in vain since I heard a knock on the door that brought woke me up. I turned around to find Ridha missing.

'How can she wake up so early?' I yawned as I got off the bed and opened the door.

'Mistake. A huge mistake.' I realized as  I was soon tackled back to the bed making me scream in horror.

"Wha-" I was cut off by a kiss and my eyes widened. I totally didn't expect this but it was quite a sight. I tried to push him off me but I couldn't and so I had to let him be. Long enough I was lost in the kiss before I realized something. I placed my hands on his chest before pushing him off and this time he let me. He rolled over beside me as he glanced over with a smile as I covered my mouth in horror.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked but my voice came muffled.

"Well, you enjoyed it. Concerned about morning breath? Don't be coz you gonna get used to it, soon." He said before running in tongue over his lower lips as he gazed at me with a smirk before getting off the bed. He held his hand out for me and I gladly took it.

"You're shameless!" I stomped my foot before walking into the bathroom and closed the door with a thud as I heard him chuckle.

"And you know you love it, Angel" I heard him say making me roll my eyes as I bit my lips, trying to hide the smile forming on my face.


After completing my daily routine, I quickly got out of the bathroom to find Zach sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Why are you here? Haven't you gone to have breakfast yet?" I asked as opened the closet to get the dryer. I felt his arms around my waist as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Not without you" He whispered as he took the dryer from my hand.

"Hey! Give that back to me! We're getting late for breakfast" I frowned at him.

"I know. So let me help you with this one and you sit here" He said as he gestured towards the chair. Without a word, I took a seat. Not long, I let out a sigh as I felt the warm air around my head, feeling him run his fingers through my hair. It's been years since I felt someone care about me this way. Finally, I let myself lose as I sat back and enjoyed the warmth as the corner of my lips turned up.

After a while, he turned off the dryer and placed it on the nightstand before glancing at me.

"Alright. Let's go downstairs." He said and I nodded at him as I followed him.

All the while, the only thing I could think was, 'isn't he such a husband material?' Back in India, there were so many guys during my college, and yet none could give me the feeling Zach could have from a thousand miles away and it's amusing when I think it through.

I shook my thoughts away as I realized we reached the dining room.

I glanced over to find everyone including my brother having breakfast. Well, isn't it strange? It looks peaceful and yet, there's something inside me that can't help but make me feel like something bad is going to happen, soon and it's scaring me.

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