An unexpected trip

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Eshana's POV:

I rushed out of the room and grabbed my phone from my pocket with slight hesitation. As I was about to dial the number, "Eshana?", I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to find my aunt looking at me, stunned. I flashed her a smile and pulled her into an embrace. "You could've informed us about your trip, eh? Your parents were worried sick when they found you missing," she said as she flicked my head, and I sheepishly grinned at her. "I'm sorry that I didn't think it through." I pouted as I held my ears, looking at her sheepishly. "Aye, you could've just asked my help and I'd have handled the situation here. All you had to do was ask", she said, patting my head. Before I could say something, her sudden gasp cut me off.
"Ryan?" Looking behind me, she exclaimed. When I turned around, I was surprised to find him flashing a genuine smile at her. 'Oh? That's one hell of a smile coming from the guy who insulted me' I thought. 

"I assume you guys have so much to talk about, eh? I'll head inside" She said, rushing inside the room. There was an awkward silence as we glanced at each other. "So-" We spoke simultaneously. "Ladies first," He said and I rolled my eyes in response. "You paid the bill, didn't you?" I asked, and he arched his eyebrows in amazement, confirming my suspicion. "You didn't have to pay such a huge amount. We're not bankrupt, you know?" I flashed him a sidelong glance.

"Oh, I know, but I didn't really come here to play charity. I only wanted to make up for the pain I caused you back then, and I didn't know how, but now I'm given the chance," he paused, staring me in the eyes. "Once again, I'm really sorry about that day. Nothing I said to you was intentional" With a guilty expression on his face, he added. I studied him for a while, looking for any hints or calculating gaze, but all I saw was genuine concern.
I responded by nodding, "Alright but you didn't have to pay the bill as a payback. Just an apology would've been fine" I said, but he shook his head, taking no for an answer, and I let the matter rest.

"How is your dad doing?" He asked, his gaze drawn to the door. "He's alright. Doc advised him to rest for a bit" I said and he nodded. "In that case, how about we grab some coffee? You look stressed. I'm sure a cup of coffee wouldn't do bad" I arched my eyebrows in response to his suggestion. "I-I mean...well, we started off in the wrong way. So, I thought-" he hesitated, shaking his head as he stepped back, "It's alright if you don't want to. I don't mind at all" I shrugged as he looked away from me. 

I pondered for a moment. "A cup of coffee? Sounds good" I responded, with a slight smile as he beamed at me before clearing his throat and gesturing me to walk ahead. I shook my head at his antics as I went ahead, feeling his gaze on me.
'Who would've guessed I'd see this side of him? Between the trip to California, the mystery accident, Ryan's change of behavior...

Things are surely getting interesting' I thought.


Third person's POV :

"Millionaire Dinesh Agarwal's only daughter Eshana Agarwal has called off the engagement with Mr. Mishra having gone widespread, and it's astonishing to learn that Mr. Mishra himself verified the claims at the conference last night. It has also been stated that his shares will be withdrawn shortly as a result of this decision. Not long after that, we learned about Mr. Agarwal's meeting with an accident!"

"Mr. Mishra?" The person mumbled in a dark room while the reporter continued to broadcast the news. "Yes. He's Ryan Mishra, the only son of Mr. Mishra. He is also the rival of Mr. Ashford" A 20-year-old boy in the room commented.
"Oh, I see. Get his contact details. I'd like to have a little chat with him" The person ordered, confusing the boy. "Mr. Ashford? Didn't he-" a smack on the boy's head cut him off. "Ow. ow! Why'd you do that?" He yelled, rubbing his head.

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