My girlfriend

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(Eshana | Zach | someone | gramma )



".....Um. Who's this?"

"You tell me since you're calling my boyfriend."

"Uh oh....."

"Yeah 'uh oh' and how do you know him! Not to mention he saved this number as Angel. Angel?!"

"Haha sweet of him. I'm sooo sorry for that but darling, could you please pass your phone to him? It's urgent!"

"Hmph. He's not here right now! And if you're some fangirl, oh please. Don't even try, and think before you call him 'Zach'." *muffles voices*

"I know he's there. So you better hand over the phone to him before I come over"

"How! Zachhhhh! She shouted at me! Boohoo!"

"Who's that? *coughs* Pass me the phone Maddy!"

"Oh wait. Hold on! Zach, you're having a fever. And grandma has told me to watch over you! So, how can I let this chance slip? Hm?"

"....... Shut up. It's just a slight fever. And don't you have to study?"

"Ew. Who'll study? And what? Light fever? Yeah, tell that to someone who'll don't know you. Say it's a slight fever and is still on bed rest.
Anyways, Hey you! Girl! I'm putting the call on speaker and keeping it on the nightstand since he's still in bed. But don't you ever try to flirt with my boyfriend."

"Not sure hon, but say that to your boyfriend"

"Broooo! She's challenging me! Hehe!"

"Never heard of a girlfriend calling her boyfriend 'Bro'."

"........Ugh. Fine! I'm not, okay? Now shush. I'mma leave you two lovebirds alone."


"Okay. It's on speaker. Now byee!!"




"I know you're hurt because of what I did..."

".... An-"

"No no! Wait...Before you say something, just let me finish. I'm uh..sorry for avoiding you. I didn't want to but I was afraid. Afraid of getting attached to this, to you.
But unknowingly I hurt you. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I was not there to comfort you when you cried."


"Believe me when I say I missed those talks, I missed you. But I had to know what I'm feeling and if it was right or not. Is it good or bad?
But hurting you was the last thing I wanted to do. It was never my intention and I'm sorry for that, Zach, I really am."

"I can never be angry at you, can I? You don't have to be sorry Ana, I get it. That you needed time but please don't give that silent treatment ever. I don't care what I am to you. We friends or best friends or phone buddies or what-"


"-ever... Huh?"

"More Zach. You're uh...more than just that to me"

"W-what do you mean, Ana?"

"Uh... It might be a little awkward with us after this but I want to get this off my chest. I don't want to ruin what we have right now but I have to say this. Um... Zach. We might have not seen each other, but I can't have a day without hearing your voice. But I don't want just that, I want more. I might be selfish but I want you for myself. I don't know a lot about you yet, my heart doesn't mind. I want to know you more than anyone. I want to make a lot of memories with you. I don't want it to be you and me. I want it to be us. You are the reason for my smile. You comfort me when I'm sad. I know it would be different since we have so many differences like culture, language and a lot of other things but I want to learn it all with you. I know that I'm not perfect. I mess things up and unintentionally hurt others but what I feel for you, it's real. I don't know if you feel the same, I don't know if I misread things but I can't help it. I'm in...I'm in love with you Zach."


"It's fine if you don't feel-"

"Y-you love me?!" *sniff*

" Y-yes"

"Oh my god!!! She loves me! Gramma! You heard that, right? She finally said it!" *sniffles*

"Haha! Yeah."

"........" *blushes*

"My god! Ana! You've no idea how happy I am. You made me the happiest man in the whole world. I always thought you don't feel the same. The time you didn't pick up my calls, I thought I did something wrong. I thought you didn't like me. Ana, I love you too! You've no idea.-" *coughs*

"Oh my."

"Now now kids. Let's keep the crying for later, shall we? Zach. You still have a fever, you need to take medicine."

"Yeah Zach, we can talk later. And please take your medicine."

"Nothing can make me better now. Your words are the best medicine, Ana"

".......Zach!" *blushes*

"Ana, wait! Before you hang up. Um... I know it's too early and not at all the best way to ask but, I can't wait anymore. Uh.. Ana, can you be my girlfriend?"


"Uh oh. It's fi-"


"... What? Did I just...did you just say that?"



"Yayy! Ana loves me! She is finally my girlfriend!! My prayers have come true!"

"........she hung up. You can stop screaming, you know?"

"..... Oh"


They finally confessed! Woohoo!
By the way guys, sorry to inform you that I'll not be able to upload a new chapter until the 5th since I'm having my exams. Until then, goodbye babes! Toodles!

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