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(4 days later)



"I'm sorry I'm unable to receive your phone call. It's either I'm busy or sleeping or not interested in hearing from you. So, kindly leave the message after a beep."

"......H-hey Ana. It's been 
4 freaking days since I've not heard from you. Did I do something wrong or are you genuinely busy? If I've done something.. or anything wrong, please let me know but don't do this *sniff*
d-don't ignore me, p-please. It's been more than a month since we've been talking and now it's just so hard to sleep without talking to you. I don't know what we are right now. Friends or phone buddies? Best friend or whatever it is but please don't stop talking to me. *sob* "


"... I just... today is not the day I like. It's just *sniff*... today it's my grandpa's death anniversary. He was the only one I was close to, the most. He was my strength, my inspiration, and everything. The day God decided to take him away, I lost it all. I was lost, so lost that I began pushing people away. I hurt myself as well as others too. On this day I used to always lock myself in my room and remember those memories but today I wished to talk to you. But it's fine. I-I... It's alright. *sniff*... I just hope you're alright Ana. I don't want to bore you with all my stories. I just wish I could talk to you again. How I wish"

"voicemail is full"


"Oh dear, it is the trust, understanding, care, and respect that will strengthen the bond. It is not easy but if you fight for it, the distance you're now talking about doesn't matter. If you know that person is the right one, no evil can push you apart."


Hey, you! How was the new update?
...and don't forget to vote, babes! :)

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