Candlelight dinner

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Eshana's POV:

"Happy Birthday Zachery Ashford and I'm glad to finally meet you" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear as I placed my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating rapidly and a smile formed its way across my face. I'm amazed to know that I had an effect on him.

"Thank you, Angel. It means a lot coming from you" he whispered softly and I felt as if he placed a kiss on my hair as he rest his chin on my head.

I can't believe that I'm with The Zachery Ashford, in his embrace. Though I have already seen him hours ago during the match, right now watching him this close... his voice, that silky and disheveled brown hair I would want to run my fingers on, his beautiful dark ocean blue eyes that I could forever drown into, those soft pinkish lips that I would... hell just everything about him screams amazing. I still can't believe the fact that he is my boyfriend. I'm more amused at how quickly the time passed and now it's been two months since I dialed a wrong number which fortunately turned into a right one. If someone would have asked me 'Is it possible to fall in love without meeting or knowing what he or she looked like?', I would've laughed out loud since I never even believed in the word 'love'. But right now, everything seems like a dream that I would never want to wake up from.

After a while, we pulled away from the embrace and he moved towards the table pulling a chair out for me.

"Chivalry ain't dead, huh?" I smirked as I walked up to him, taking a seat.

"Never for you, mi señora" He winked as he moved to the other side taking a seat on the opposite. 

"So, tell me everything. How did you reach here? How do you know about the Knight mansion? How did you plan all these? How did you reach my room? And most importantly, how do you know about my birthday?" He kept asking questions one after the other and it was quite hard for me to concentrate as I was staring at him in a daze. I mean... you can't blame me now, can you? Having such a devilishly handsome man right in front of you could make things a little difficult. Little? maybe not. He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes pulling me out of the daze.

"Like what you see, huh?" His eyes twinkled as he looked at me with his stupid mischievous smirk.

"What do you mean?" I pretending to be confused. Nah Nah, I'm not gonna let him win.

"You were staring right through my soul as though you are gonna eat me up. But don't worry, I'm all yours" He teased with a genuine smile plastered on his face that had my heart skip a beat. I swear anything and everything he does makes him look so attractive that one day I'd definitely say 'damn yeah! I'd pay money to see this man'. But nope. He is all mine now.  

"Oh No! I was not staring at you!" I argued and I tried to avoid his gaze as the blush creeps through my cheeks which probably didn't go unnoticed by him. 'Only if he knows what I was thinking, I'd be so embarrassed right now '. 

"Oh? Fine. But why don't you just answer the questions I asked you a while ago?" He challenged with a smirk. I do know what he is implying but nuh-huh, don't worry my boy, I'll soon wipe that smirk off your face.

I shrugged "Fine then. Firstly, I reached here by flight of course. Secondly, As you know I do have good contact with Maddy and I hereby assume that it would answer the rest of the following questions" I stated. It was my turn to smirk as I noticed the smirk on his face turned into a frown.

"Whatever. I don't really know how you did that but I swear I wasn't lying." He muttered as his eyes flickered to the table and again back to me.

"But I'm still not able to digest the fact that you did all these within two weeks." He stared at me intensely. Me too, darling, me too.

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