Baby, don't cry

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Days went by as Eshana kept dealing with Zach's flirtatious conversations, random sarcastic talks, and midnight texts until one day she got the news that broke her heart to no end.

( Nov 13 | Nov 14
5:30 pm | 3 am )

'Eshana' is calling.
call ended.
'Eshana' is calling

(Eshana || Stalker)

"Who the fuck is calling me now? Don't you know the freaking time? Shut up and let me sleep!"


"Wha-! Esh..ana..?"

"...Y-yeah, I-It's me..."

"Hey hey, what's happening, Ana? Talk to me!"


"Ana, please don't cry...Everything is going to be fine. You don't have to tell me if you're feeling uncomfortable ok? But I'm here for you."

"N-no. I want to tell you everything"


"Just let me let it out. please..."

"Okay Ana, I'm all ears."

"My parents fixed the date for my marriage with a famous millionaire stranger."


"A stranger whom I don't know anything about. Arranged marriages are common here but, I feel uncomfortable thinking about marrying someone I don't know, someone I don't want to. I feel like I...I'm being s-sold. I can't tell anything to my parents anything because this is the only way they can save our family business. My brother is not back home yet. I don't know what to do. I-I..feel caged. I can't say no to my parents because they did everything I asked them to and never said no. But when they ask a favor I feel suffocated. I cannot say yes or no. I'm just a 21-year-old girl who wants to follow her dreams, find someone I love, and live happily ever after. But, just as everyone says, It's just a fantasy that will never happen. I thought at least the guy will be sweet and gentlemen, b-but..h-huh I guess I dream a lot...*sob*.."


"Eshana, Listen to me carefully. I might have not met you nor do I know you well, but I can bet on my life that you're the most beautiful girl with a beautiful heart. Never say anything bad about yourself. You deserve the world. You deserve to be treated like a queen and be pampered with unconditional love. And I know how it feels to be caged, it feels like you can never voice your opinion when others make decisions for you. But remember, marriage is not a small deal. It's not done to keep someone's promise. Marriage is something where you're going to spend your entire life with a person with love and trust until you grow old. Sometimes you need to open up with your parents because they understand and love you, Angel. If you keep it for yourself and pretend, you'll forever regret it."

"....I..Wow. It's been a long since someone said this to me. And you're right. I need to talk to my parents. And uh...You deserve the world too..."

"Thank you, angel, but what did you mean by 'i guess I dream a lot'...? what is it that you didn't tell me?"

"u-uh yeah..t-that...Actually uh, today those had visited my home for a meet-greet. After talking for a while, the guy's parents asked me to spend some time with the guy."


"I took him to my guest room since I didn't feel comfortable showing him my room. He was sweet until he entered the room. B-but...h-he..*sniff*..."

"..He what, Eshana?"

"...He told me that he doesn't want to marry a gold digger like me. Me marrying him doesn't mean that I'm going to be a part of his family. I'm just sold to his family so my work is just to do what he says, take care of the home, and cook. N-nothing else... and you know what? I couldn't say anything because I knew he was right, I...I was just sold to him... And it h-hurts..a lot..."

"...What is his name again?"

"W-who? oh. Ryan. Ryan Mehra. Why?"

"That M*therfcking A**hole! I'm going to kill him"

"W-what? N-no! Don't kill him. That's illegal!"

"huh? Pfft. Haha! Angel, I'm not going to kill him. Even if I could, I'm from another continent. remember?"

"oh the way, why do you call me an angel?"

"Hm.. that's because you are an angel who came into my life with the ray of light. Beautifully unexpected."


"you look beautiful when you blush"

"How do you- Wait, What?"

"Haha! Gotcha!"

"Hmph! Well...uh. I wanted to say that, I don't know why I dialed your number but it's surprisingly good talking to you. So, thank you and sorry for the trouble..."

"Ana, don't say sorry, alright? You aren't a problem and it's good talking to you too"

"Oh... Anyway, I...I want to ask you"

"Oh, Angel. Don't be nervous. Just ask away"

" told me your name"

"Oh. oh. finally, someone wants to know my name"

"......You know what? You don't have to-"





"Zachery? hm. It suits him though. But..Wait. It's 6 pm right now which means it's 3:30 am there? oh no no no! I'm stupid. ugh. Why did I even think of waking him up? gosh!!!!"


"Damn. Why does it hurt so much to hear her cry? I'm sure I'll not be able to get sleep tonight."


'Angel' changed the contact name to 'Zach.'

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