My brother is back!

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(Nov 25)

(Eshana | Zach | Brad)

"Hey, Zaaach!"

"Ana?! It's been a long time!"

"I know Zach, I know. The last time we talked, you hurt yourself. So, you alright?"

"Yeah. It kinda hurt while I walk, but other that that I'm totally alright."

"Oh! hehe! Good to hear that! " *secretly thanks god*

"And that's it? Thought I'd hear 'I missed you so much! So much that I couldn't sleep without hearing your voice' and you just said good to hear that? Now I'm having a heart ache. Who's gonna heal this most handsome guy with cutest puppy dog eyes nowwww?!"

"Why? What happened to your brother? How did he get hurt?"

"My brother? What do you mean? I didn't get you."

"Didn't you ask about who's gonna heal the most handsome guy?"

"Hey!!!! I was talking about myself! How can you say that while talking to me? You meanie!"

"Hehe! But I heard Ridha talking about how you described you're the most handsome guy after your brother, so I just asked that. It isn't my fault!"




"You angry?"

"Hey dude! Why do you look like a puppy that got it's ass kicked?"

"....Omg really?! Hahaaa!"



"Ahem. Alright...I was kidding okay? Sooooryy? Forgive me? Pwetty please?"

" Only if you say that I'm the most handsome guy ever."

"But... I don't feel good lying to others..."


"Okay! Alright! I surrender! You're the most handsome guy in the whole world. I forgiven?"

"Huh...? Fine! Alright, you are."

"Ooff! Finally!"

"By the way, you sound happy today. What's wrong?"

"Hey! What do you mean by what's wrong?! Hmph! Anyway, you've got no idea about what happened! My brother has finally returned back from NYC! And we're finally gonna convince my parents about cancelling my marriage!"

"Ohh? Wow! That's fantastic."

"I know! I'm sooo happy right now! Heard that my brother had a lot of work but my brother's boss let him leave so he could meet us. Who ever his boss is, If he's single then I pray that he find his soulmate. If he's married, then let him-"

"Alright alright! Hope that your wishes come true."

"-Ah? Yeah I wish! Anyway, Zach, I'm sorry I've to leave now. I'll call you later?"

"Alright. Bye Ana!"


"Hm. I too hope your wishes come true, Ana, but my brother finding his love right now seems impossible. All I can do is wait for that time so I can finally tease my brother like he does to me!"


Hey hey hey everyone!! How you doin'? Anyway, quick announcement! I don't know if y'all know this and if y'all do, yet I'll tell y'all that I've uploaded a new story and it's about Zachery's brother, Xavier Alexander Ashford. Y'all can read that too and tell me if y'all like it. So Yeah. That's all for today. Toodles!

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