Disaster & Pain

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Warning: This chapter contains swearing and a bit of violence.)

Eshana's POV

When I was busy washing my hands, the door of the washroom opened. I didn't care as I was lost in thoughts about the incident earlier. Why do I feel like he's the owner of this cafe as I didn't fail to notice how the waiters and the receptionist were trembling as they greeted us? But he never said he bakes and why would they be afraid of him? He's the sweetest guy I know. I guess it must be one of his friends' cafes. 

As soon as I was done washing, I turned around to find myself unintentionally bumping into someone, and not long after I heard the sound of something break. 

"What the fuck!" I heard someone yell and I was about to say sorry when all of a sudden I felt a force that pushed me backward making my back hit the sharp edge of the basin with a strong force causing me to whimper in pain. I glanced at the person with my vision blurred as I tried to see what just happened.

"B*tch! How dare you! You broke my foundation!" She yelled and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I thought it was an old thing where we excuse for bathroom and then...boom! the drama begins.  

"Look, I'm sorry abo-" I was about to apologize when I was cut off by her yell,

"Are you kidding me?! Sorry? Do you know how much it's worth? fucking $5,300! I bet you can't even afford half of it!" She yelled and I didn't care about it as my pain was unbearable.

"Look! I know I broke it but you should be careful too. Are you dumb enough to stand behind me when you know I'd bump into you?! Dimaag main ghaas chadgi hai kya?! (Is your brain filled with grass?!)" I asked coldly and she looked taken back. Trust me, messing with me at the wrong time can get out of hand. I held my back, trying to ease the pain but she can't get it, can she? She continued to yell not caring about my state.

"What is gas in may?! WTF are you talking and WHERE IS THE MANAGER!" She yelled and soon someone entered and I didn't care enough to see who it was. I just want to get away from this hell. Remind me to never go to the bathroom other than in my home as it always ends in disaster.

"M-ma'am. Is everything okay?" The person asked.

"Okay? Does it look okay to you?! Call the owner, you fuckin' crap! And don't forget to throw this girl out!" She yelled and the person trembled as he took his phone out, trying to dial someone. Is this girl crazy? Why would she want the owner to compensate when I was the one who broke her foundation?

Before the person was about to dial, the door opened with a thud and we glanced towards the door to see Zach who looked like he was in a panic before his eyes landed on the girl. For the first time, I've seen him this angry. His eyes flashed the emotion not just anger but also a hint of pain and I have no idea what is happening around me.

"Z-Zach?" The girl whispered before she squealed in delight before running to him. She was about to slip as she almost landed on him but what he did next had me laugh out loud. He just dodged her hug effortlessly causing her to slip and land on the floor. He didn't care as his eyes wandered around before they landed on me and he walked up to me before pulling me into a bone-crushing hug making me whimper. 

"You okay?" he asked in concern and I nodded with a soft smile but he looked unsure. 

"What happened in here?!" His voice boomed as he looked around for answers.

"Zach, I'm okay-" I was about to assure him when I heard a girl say something and I face-palmed at that.

"Um... Actually, this girl pushed her harshly and she hit the corner of the basin" She said pointing to the one who had slipped earlier. I didn't know that this girl was here from the start. Her statement made Zach tighten his grip on me. He shut his eyes tightly before opening them again.

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