Mr. Blue-eyed Cat

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(Warning: This chapter contains a Lil bit of bloodshed and a Lil bit of mischief.)

Eshana's POV :


"OH MY! Briana, Sis!" We heard a scream and rushed to the entrance, startled, to see the scene that shook us to our core. Before we could realize it,


there was a sound of glass shattering. We turned around to find Xavier who looked shaken up. What's weirder? Disha appeared to have seen a ghost.

"Anastasia" she mumbled to herself, which no one could hear but I could read her lips.

What's happening?


I shifted my focus to the doorway, and I saw the dreadful state of the girl they claimed was Briana. She was completely covered in blood, yet it was remarkable that she could walk all the way up here without passing out. Some would even believe it wasn't her blood, but I could see a wound on her abdomen, as if she had been stabbed. Maddy shut her eyes and took grandma with her, unable to bear the sight of her. Everyone appeared agitated.

"Dammit! Call the ambulance! There's a lot of blood here!" As he came out of his trance, Zach exclaimed in shock. Just as he was ready to help her, Xavier beats him to it by lifting her in bridal style and placing her on the couch, unconcerned about the bloodstain.

"There is no need for an ambulance in this situation. We can look after her" Disha surprised everyone by bringing a damp towel and a bowl of water.

"What the hell? Take a look at her state FFS!" Xavier hissed at her. "It's not a minor cut. I'm going to contact the doctor." He said this firmly as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"Mr. Xavier Alexander Ashford, don't do something that you may regret later! It's not that we don't have a doctor here. Ridha is also a doctor, however, we don't need one right now." Disha's cold voice echoed throughout the living room, startling everyone, especially Xavier. No one had ever blurted out his full name, let alone warn him sternly. But one thing that everyone, including me, cannot understand is why she is so adamant about avoiding consulting a doctor or calling 911. I'm completely perplexed. Not just that but, 

Who is Briana? 

How is she in this state?  

Who did this to her? and most of all, how does she look fine even after the blood loss? Any normal person would have definitely fainted.

He was ready to snap at Disha as he didn't like the tone she used or the girl's miserable state when he was interrupted abruptly by an unfamiliar voice,

"She's right, Mr. Knight" the girl, Briana added, "Thank you for your concern, but there's no need to contact the doctor," she assured him as her voice wavered. She seemed to be in desperate need of rest. Xavier sensed it as well and took her into one of the rooms, followed by Disha, who motioned Ridha to join her with a first-aid kit. Aunt Amelia went to get them some drinks as everyone was exhausted from the commotion.

I stood there, unsure of what to do. I wanted to ask Disha whether she knew Briana, but I figured that if she wanted to tell us, she'd tell it on her own.

"Eshana?!" I was taken aback by the loud voice. I glanced up to see Zach standing close to me, examining my face for something. How long had I been engrossed in thoughts that I hadn't noticed him standing close to me?

"Sorry for startling you, but I called you out several times. Are you okay? What were you thinking?" He inquired, concerned.

"Oh, nothing at all. Just thinking about the incident" I whispered, looking down, as I fidgeted my fingers with my shawl, a habit that I have when I'm nervous. He nodded in understanding to my response, and my actions were not unnoticed by him. He suddenly grabbed my hand, causing me to look up at him.

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