Cat and the Spy

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Zach's POV :

Kissing her was totally unexpected but in a good way. Her lips are so soft against mine as she fitted perfectly in my arms with her back against the wall as I continued to devour her. Earlier, when she told me that she'd find someone else if I'm not ready, I knew she made it up but again, just hearing her say that had me so furious. 'She's only mine and no one else can see, touch, and make her feel the way I do. Only I have the right to do that!' I stated, internally. My thoughts broke as I felt her tug my hair with her fist making me groan against her lips. 

After a while, we pulled away and I found myself smirking as I found her panting heavily. 

"You shouldn't forget to breathe, you know" I teased and she glared at me.

"If you'd...let me! How can you- that long?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well then, get used to it, angel because I won't let you get away with this anymore" I winked at her before leaning down, close to her ears "I think we need to get back home before we end up... well, you know..." I whispered before pulling away and found her blush as she ran past me towards the door and I found myself chuckling at that.


As we entered the mansion, I found everyone on the couch looking tensed at something. I cleared my throat, and everyone's heads snapped to the entrance as their gaze landed on me and Ana. 

"Zach?!" Mom exclaimed and I looked at her in confusion as she got off the couch before running towards me.

"You okay?" She placed her hand on my cheek and I nodded my head.

"Um... I'm perfectly fine, mom. What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I asked in concern and I heard everyone sigh. 

"Just had to make sure you're alright, Zach. Nothing else." she paused before glancing back at me "Uh... you're brother is home and well, I think he needs to know about today" She blurted out and before I could say something, I heard footsteps, and our eyes flickered to the stairs to find my brother descending downstairs, with his phone against his ears.

"Hm. Get that file ready by tomorrow, Elliot and if necessary you can ask Kiara to assist you" he stated as we walked towards us. My mom nudged me as she gestured for me to go front but I stood still as I mouthed 'no' to her. She squinted her eyebrows before pushing me forward but I stood still and we started to fight back and forth which is not new to me. 

"What's going on?" I heard my brother ask and I turned to my brother.

"Well... Tha- Ahem. Well... Rebecca-" I stuttered not able to continue.

"Yeah I know what happened and don't worry, I did what I had to do years back" He stated and I stared at him in shock. 

"What have you-" I was about to continue when he cut me off,

"You don't have to know that but just so you know, she won't be back again," He said before walking to the kitchen. 

'He's right. It's a waste of time to think about someone like her and I trust my brother more than myself so, I know nothing is going to happen' I shrugged before running towards the kitchen.


Eshana's POV :

I was awestruck as I watched him run towards the kitchen. It's hard to leave such matters to others but it's nice to see their bonding. I guess Amelia Aunty found me watching towards the kitchen as she confirmed my thoughts.

"He went to help his brother in cooking," She said with a smile and I looked at her in awe.

"He cooks?" I asked and she chuckled, nodding her head.

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