Game Night

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(Two weeks later)

Two weeks have passed since Zach reached New York for the most important match of his life and today is the most awaited day that would change his entire life through one single game. As he wished, his best friend Brad reached New York just 6 days ago.

Zach's POV :

"Damn dude, this is sick! Just look at the audience!" One of my friends, Dylan exclaimed in horror as we all took a look at the television screen which was currently showing the NY stadium.

"It's sick indeed! That's like a whole New York here to watch the game!" Noah agreed to it.

What they said is indeed right. The entire stadium is filled with the audience and there's hardly any place left. Yet there are more and more people joining. Strangely I don't feel nervous but I feel more excited about this. But I wish my family would be present for this one. I wish I could have a good luck wish from her not that I didn't get one. I did actually. She did wish me good luck through text about two weeks back before my flight took off but I wished to hear her say that.

Not to mention it's 23rd December, and the Christmas season has already begun.

"Boys! It's time!" Our Coach announced breaking my thoughts away as he clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention. Everyone formed a group as he continued "Listen up here! You all do know how important this game is to all of you here but that doesn't mean you panic, take the stress and play because you need to. You need to play because you want to, you like to. Is that clear?" He raised his eyebrows waiting for the reply.

"Crystal sir!" We replied.

"Good. I have faith in all of you and especially you Zach and Brad. Don't you all dare disappoint me" He said and went away.

"Please welcome to the field, the team UCNA Panthers!" The commentator announced and the teams ran towards the field as the people cheer.

"And the team Newcastle KINGS!" they announced and we knew it was the cue for our team to leave.

We all looked at each other before nodding our heads in confirmation. We adjusted ourselves up before taking a run towards the field in determination leaving as we continued to hear the crowd going crazy.

All the players get into the position and they began with the national anthem. Then the coin was tossed and we, Newcastle Kings chose defense while UCNA Panthers were the offense team. 

Third Person's POV: 

Soon game finally begins with the other team taking a kick-off and the field erupts in chaos. On the other side, none of them could take their eyes off the screen as they continued to watch the game. Eshana who was watching him was totally stunned as she finally got to see him for the first time. Just the look of him had had her totally and utterly speechless. She didn't expect him to be this handsome. 

Everyone in Knight's mansion was tensed as they continued to watch the match.

Zach's POV :

The score was a draw 2-2 against UCNA Panthers with Newcastle Kings as the offense team.

'This is it. This is the game that decides everything. I have to do it! I can do it!' I chanted as I took the final kick-off and the game continued. 

I asked Noah to pass it to Brad who was close to the goal. Brad then passed it to Dylan confusing everyone as he was running further away from the goal. All of a sudden he passed it towards me which I was about to miss due to the sudden kick I got from the offensive. I fell to the ground not before managing to flip backward and pass it to the goal yet scoring again.

Our team began celebrating as it was a great winning match 3-2 against UCNA Panthers. The stadium was complete chaos as we went to shake our hands with the other team. 

Just after the national anthem was over, I didn't waste another minute as I ran towards my locker room. I took my outfit and went to the shower. After a quick shower, as I was busy packing my bag, I glanced towards the door to find the coach standing at the entrance.

"As always, you didn't disappoint me, son. Well done" He smirked as he walked towards me and patted my back.

"Thank you sir but I never hold someone's trust to disappoint them" I assured as I zipped my backpack and hung it on my shoulder.

He hummed in reply as he flashed me a smile, " Since you have an early flight, I guess you need to leave now" he said and I nodded as I waved at him before walking away.


After 6 long hours, I finally reached California. As I walked towards the exit of the airport, I took a long breath. Staying away for a long while and finally reaching back to your hometown hits different. But today the atmosphere feels really different. I guess I really do miss spending time with my family. Yeah, that should be the reason.

As I reached the road, I found the driver waiting. Guess someone from the mansion sent him here. Without any delay, I got into the car and he drove away.

After a short trip, I finally reached my home. 

"Sir, let me help you with the luggage" the driver, John suggested as he got down from the car trying to get the bag.

"Oh No, Uncle John! It's alright" I assured him as I got down from the car with my backpack hanging on my shoulders and walked to the entrance.

'Okay, this sounds stupid but, why is the mansion so dark? Everyone's probably sleeping.  I mean it's almost 12 am anyway. ' I mumbled to myself glancing at my watch.

I looked closely at the door to find the door slightly open. 'Um...This is...Weird' I said to myself as I opened the door and slowly tip-toed inside.

As I went towards the living room in dark in order to not disturb anyone, all of a sudden the lights turned on making me scream in horror as I dropped my bag down. I glanced around to find my entire family right in front of me.

"This is...crazy? What in the world is happening here" I asked waiting for a reply.

"See mom, I told you that he'll forget this day!" My sister rolled her eyes looking at mom and pointing towards me as my mom and dad shook their heads at her antics.

"Can't you look around and guess, You dimwit?! December 23rd, exact 17 years ago was the first time you ever played football and today 23rd December, 17 years later you played your life-changing game" She glared at me waving her hands around and asking me to look around.  

The dining table is completely decorated with a beautiful football theme cake with my childhood picture of me kicking the ball lying on the table teared me up.

I swallowed, fighting tears forming in my eyes "My God! I love guys so much!" I managed to thank them, especially my brother since he was the one who taught me how to play. I cut the cake and fed it to everyone.

"Okay, now it's getting late so everyone get back to your room. You shouldn't stay up late" My grandma stated and we all nodded as we descended towards our respective rooms.

Little did he know that sleep was not an option for him. At least not from today since what is awaiting him in his room is beyond his imagination. 

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