His Past- 1

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Eshana's POV :

I entered my room and took a quick shower before changing myself into simple pajamas. I got out of my room and stood in front of Zach's room which was closed. I hesitantly raised my hand to knock on the door and stood for a while to hear no response. 

"Zach?" I called out as I knocked again to get no response from the other side. I turned the nob and found that the door is locked. 

'Looks like he needs rest' I thought. Not wanting to disturb him, I went back to my room to take a rest myself and thought of walking up for dinner. I entered my room and jumped on my bed with a thud to find myself rising back up in the same way as a spring with a hand on my back. 

"Ouch!" I whimpered. "Can't this pain leave me in peace?" I pouted as I slowly sat on the bed trying to find a comfortable position. If my brother Shreyas would have been here, he'd definitely called me grandma. I sadly chuckled to myself at the thought of my brother. At this time, he would be fighting to sleep as my mom would keep pulling his duvet, my dad would be sitting and reading the newspaper waiting for morning tea, and wait...

"Where's Ridha? I haven't heard from her since we went shopping" I panicked as I began searching for my phone. My eyes wandered to the table and finally fall on the phone which was on the nightstand.  

'Oh! Thank god! I don't have to get up again' I sighed before picking up the phone from the table and before I think of dialing, I found one unread message. I opened it to find it was non-other than Ridha.

' Hey Eshu baby, I'll be back in a while! I'm just wandering around and don't worry, I'm not alone.

~ Ri baby, xoxo '

I chuckled to myself as I read the text again before placing it back on the stand. Not alone, yeah I know. I slowly laid down with my front against the bed and sighed, feeling all comfortable. As soon as I closed my eyes, the picture of Zach with his eyes teared up came into view causing me to open my eyes again, trying to clear the image. 

"I promised myself that I'd be with him when he need me but, be with him and do what? I've no idea. How to take his pain away? I've no idea. Who is she? I have no idea. What caused him pain? I've no fucking idea! Then what am I doing here....yet again, I've no idea..." my voice broke as I stared at the space feeling the tears forming in my eyes and I let it out as I sobbed, stuffing my face on the pillow. I've no idea for how long I continued to weep until I was completely consumed by the darkness.


"WOOOO!" I screamed as I found Chris Evans in front of me. Chris Evans? Well, I've no idea how I ended up in the meet and greets, but guess what? It's my lucky day! I was about to go front when I felt as if someone is caressing my back. Who was that? I've no idea but I didn't want the person to stop. I tried to find who but I didn't find any but it felt so nice that I moaned making the hand go still.

'Noo! Don't stop...' I said to myself. I've no idea if that person could read my mind but the hand continued to caress causing the corners of my lips to raise into a smile. I heard some voices... no wait, it sounds like one voice. A man. Who's that? And what's he talking gibberish? No idea but I could only hear the last words that had me confused.

"....I'm sorry, Angel, I'm sorry..." The person whispered as his voice broke. Why Sorry? and, was he crying? I wanted to ask but I was too lazy as I found Chris Evans waiting and I wouldn't want to lose the opportunity now, do I? But I found the voice more comforting. I wanted to know who that was and why was he apologizing? He sounds too good to apologize to me. All of a sudden, I felt a peek on my cheeks before the voice disappears, and the hand that was caressing me too.

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