Guess what? I'm in love!

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(Nov 19)

(Unknown | other | Zach) 

Ring! Ring!
Call received.


"Good evening! Kiara Bennet speaking from Wefords International Co. Ltd. How may I help you?"

"Uh. Kiara... it's Ash! Is your boss available? It was kinda emergency"

"OH! Ash! Actually, he just came out of the conference room so yeah, he's available for now. I'm on my way to...O-ouch!" *bang*

"Woah! You good?"

"What was that?! Kiara?"

"Ah? Oh. It's nothing, sir. U-um I just tripped

"Why can't you be careful? Let me check if it hurt" *footsteps*

"Hehe. It's fine sir. It didn't hur–" *pause* "Um. Why are you checking the door, sir?"

"What do you mean by why? With the force you hit the door, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up getting cracked."


" *whispers* You little MF! Laugh all you want! hmph!"


"What was that?!"

"Wha–? Oh. I said, there's an emergency, sir! It's from Ash- I mean Mr.Zachery Ashford. He's on the line, sir." 

(shuffles... followed by a *bang*)

"Hm. Speak up. What's the matter?"

"Uh. Bro! well....huh. Tha–"

"Zach. I don't have enough time to wait for you, so Hurry Up!!"

"Okay... so, here goes nothing. Iguessiaminlove"


"you are"

"Wow. How did you hear that right-"

"Woah. hold on a minute. Are you sure about this? I don't want history to repeat itself again. Heard me?!"

"I...I know Bro but this is different. She is different. I can prove you!"

"okay so, how did you guys meet? Don't tell me you attend parties again!!"

"We..ugh! We never met And N-nooo Bro! I didn't attend pa–" 

"Wait. What do you mean by you guys never met? TF are you talking Zach?"

"Actually Let me tell you the whole thing"

*recites the entire story*

"...and that's how I ended up calling you"

"You hurt yourself again?! Can't you be a little careful Zach?"

"brooo... I told you the entire story and you just caught that?"

"Shut up Zach. Don't keep hurting yourself. You're lucky enough that I let you play so don't take advantage of the favors. I won't be there for you always! Soon as I leave my company, I'll be there."

"Okay Bro. I'll be careful"

"Anyway, Amar Agarwal does work here so don't worry about that. I'll give him a break since he's a good man and works hard. Also, I heard about Mehras. They were one of dad's competitors but not heard of them since I took the position of CEO nor do they top in the list of top companies worldwide. So, don't worry about that. Just watch out for yourself." 

"Thank you so so s–"



"ooomuch–! Hey! I was almost there! ugh!"



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Hey, you! Yes, you...right here! I um...just wanted to wish you a happy new year. Keep smiling and be happy! Yeah... That's it I guess..? Okay! Byeee! 

? Okay! Byeee! 

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