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It was a dark cold night at midnight , vampires were out partying & killing. Killing & drinking blood is like sport for them. Their was no care , no chill in the world. Blood, killing , money & power is the only words that the vamps spoke. The smell of blood & Coke incensed the room. Red electric lights filled the room as everybody danced the night away. Bodies was getting hazy as the drugs settled in& the lights flashed, it was a happy feeling, a feeling of euphoria....it felt like ecstasy.

The blood was getting drunk down like liquor itself. Everybody was holding their cups in the air. The night was eccentric. The vamps ruled Transylvania, but if anyone would come in try & take over their land. They would he slaughter with the the vamps sharp fangs or hung up in the tree of thorns. Vamps can think of the most horrifying ways to kill you other than biting you. Because it depends on the bite. Sometimes they just want some blood because their obviously hungry. But then their are other times where they will bite to kill. It all depends on their moods I guess. And it was this special group of young vamps that everybody knew not to fuck with because they are the Princesses & Princes of Transylvania. Ruler of the MF land. They are the most wildest, craziest , toughest & most dangerous group of vamps in the country. And any body who cross paths with them will see death before their last eye blink.

Cupcake & her crew Moonlight , Ava, JackJack, Serpentine & Brice was in the VIP section in the back gulping down blood shots & snorting cocaine while dancing all nasty & wild to the music. The drugs were cooking in strong & everybody was feeling kind of off their rockers.
"Ohhhhhh fuck yessssss" ! Cupcake screams
"I can honestly party all fuckin night" Ava said
"Well we do sleep in the day to party at night" Serpentine says
All 3 of the girls laughs, showing their sharp fangs.
"You looking real sexy tonight Cupcake" Moonlight whispers
"You looking like a full course meal moonlight"
He pretends to bite her neck "oh I love it when you tease me"
He grins & kisses her neck. She moans softly at the touch of his wet kisses & turned on by the smell of the blood on his breath.
"Am I turning you on Cupcake" ?
"You wanna fuck me tonight" ?
"I do"
"How fuckin bad" ?
"Really fuckin bad"
He licks her face , & before you knew it both was sucking & tonguing each other down.

"They might as well do it right here , right now" Ava said
"I would definitely watch" Jack Jack said
"Of course you would you nasty boy"
"You know I'm nasty"
He smacks her ass. She grins & grabs another blood shot.
"Hey give me another one of those baby"
"Get it yourself Jack, I ain't nobody's slave, I'm a Princess bitch"
"Calm the fuck down before I bite you"
"I might like it TF"!
He laughs & pushes her out his way.
"Let me go get that drink"
Some other vampire tried to come in the VIP section without a pass. Cupcake hisses & grabs their head & slings them in the air to the other side of the club.
"This is our section! We run the VIP section you fuckin whore" !
Everybody laughs.
"You tell her" ! Moonlight says
She smiles "your even sexier when your angry"
She flips her hair & drinks another shot.
"Ohhhhhh my head" Serpentine says
"Sniff one more line , stop being a big ass baby" "I've done enough Brice, I'm worn out wit the Coke"
"One more line or I'm gonna slit your fuckin throat"
She frowns & slaps him. He slaps her back.
"Do another line! I ain't waisting this precious powder, it costs me too much money bitch"
"Ugh fuck you Brice, fine" !
He grins "that's what I thought"
She snorts another line.
"Ahhhhhhhh" she moans
"Mhmmmm I'm tryna get you fucked up like me"
"Well mannn I don't wanna-
She falls in his lap.
"Danm Serpentine"
"She's gone" Jack Jack said
"Gone with the wind, I need to get her to bed"
"I think we all should start heading out" Moonlight says
"Mhmmmm we fuckin should" Cupcake says
"Well let me grab some more blood shots for the road" Ava said
"Ava your already drunk" Cupcake said
"Let me live my fuckin life, I'm only 100 years old" She gulps down another shot & throws her hands in the air
"What the fuck am I gonna with Ava" ?!
"I don't know what the fuck your gonna do with her , but I do know what the fuck I'm gonna do with you" Moonlight says wit a smirk.

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