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Selena was home. She gets on her phone & finds Cupcake Instagram.
"I gotta tell her, I can't let them get away wit this"
But before she can text Cupcake the tea , she hears a knock at the door.
"Ugh" she rolls her eyes
She goes downstairs.
"Who is it" ?
"It's Jt & the crew"
"Ugh I am not talking to y'all right now"
"Selena stop being like that & open the door "
"Come on friend, we just wanna talk to you" Lydia said
"You can't stop me from the telling the truth , I can't let you do this"
Jt nudges Chan. "She will listen & humble down to you"
"Come on Lena , please just open the door so we can discuss this" Chan says
Selena sighs deeply & slowly open the door.
Jt had a blade in his back pocket. Lydia & Chan don't even know he got that. Everybody walks in. Jt shuts & locks the door from behind.
"Ok let's discuss" Selena says firmly
Jt suddenly stabs Selena in the stomach. She gasps as tears filled her eyes. Lydia & Chan screams. Selena falls to the ground dead.
"You killed her" ! Lydia says
"She was gonna snitch on us, I couldn't have her fucking up our plans"!
"Aw Naw man , I ain't going to jail I'm out this bitch" ! Chan said
"Take more step & I'll kill you too"
Chan gasps & stops in his tracks.
"If I go down, I'm dragging everybody down wit me" !
"You didn't have to kill her man , I could have talked her outta it , she always listens to me , you see I got her to open the door" Chan said
"Well we couldn't trust her, she had to go"
"Oh God I can't believe this is happening" Lydia says
"Pull yourself together Lydia , your stronger than Selena"
She takes a deep breath "ok what are we gonna do with her body" ?
"You & Chan go bury her in the woods, let the wolfs eat her...& in the meantime I'm gonna go buy those silver bullets from the guy I know & we will strike in the morning"
"Alright" Lydia said
"Uhh ok" Chan said
Outta nowhere Jt grabs Chan & puts him in s choke hold as he presses the knife against his neck.He gasps for air.
"If you even think about going to the cops I will murder you & your whole entire family, do you understand me Chan"
He nods quickly. Jt pushes him off. He gasps for air as he tries to catch his breath.
"And that goes for you too miss thang"
"Oh you don't have to worry about me Jt , I'm all in 100%"
"Good now , bury the bitch"
"Wait but where are we gonna find a shovel" ? Lydia asked
"I don't know Home Depot ! Dang am I the only with a brain here" ?!
Lydia & Chan drags Selena body out the house & throws her in Chans trunk. Both hopped in their cars & pulled off. Jt runs out & jumps in his car & he heads to the man house that was gonna hook him up with the silver bullets.

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