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              It was late at night & Cupcake & her crew was hanging out at bloodbucks

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It was late at night & Cupcake & her crew was hanging out at bloodbucks. It was like Starbucks in America , but they call it bloodbucks here. Everybody was drinking blood frappes , blood danishes & blood pops.
"So you say you wanna move to Hollywood" ?! Ava says
"Yasssss I think this would be a great opportunity for all of us"
"Great opportunity my ass" Moonlight says
"Dude you was all for it last night"
"I changed my mind" !
"Ugh moving to America is a really big step tho, are you sure were ready for something Ike that" ? Serpentine says
"Yeah like ...people aren't used to us, their gonna see the fangs n shit " Brice says
"Who cares what they see or say , our fangs are apart of us, yes we are different, but we have to embrace our differences & do our own fuckin thing & not care what people think"
"She's right, we should go to Hollywood with our heads held eye& we need to rule that shit" Brice says
"Yeah I'm wit you on that bestie" Ava says
"Yehhhh let's conquer & devour Hollywood" Jack Jack said
"Mhmm we're gonna vamp it out" Serpentine says
Cupcake glares at Moonlight in the eyes.
"Moonlight how do you feel about all of this" ?
He glares & grins at her "let's fuck up Hollywood"
"Yes" ! She jumps in his arms & kisses him
Everybody clapped & cheered.
"Alright so our plane leaves in two hours , let's head to the airport" !
Everybody nodded & ran out bloodbucks. Brice runs back in & snatches another blood danish.
"Hey you gotta pay for that" ! A worker said
"I'm the Prince, I don't gotta pay for shit" !
He laughs & runs away.

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