🩸Movie Theater🩸

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Cupcake & the vamps was making their way in the theater.
"Baby get me some popcorn , candy & coke" Cupcake said
"Yeah baby I gotchu" Moonlight said
"8 figure , rich nigga , das my shank , das my shank"
He laughs "das me"
"Let me go tinkle before the movie starts" Ava said
"I'll come with you, I gotta tinkle too" Serpentine said
"Yall ain't kids, talking about some tinkle" Cupcake said
They giggled & walked away.
"We're gonna go get in line, I want some pizza" Brice said
"Yerrrr, I want some nachos & cheese" JackJack said
"Yoooooo" ! Gabriel shouts
Him & Giana was walking in.
"Heyyyy y'all" ! Cupcake said
"What's uppp" Moonlight said
"I knew y'all would be here, I mean Duh the move is called vampires Vs Werewolf's"
"We had to come & see it" Cupcake said
"Yasss, we're so happy to see y'all again" Giana said
"So happy to see y'all too" Moonlight said
"So what happened back in Trans" ? Gabriel asked
"Me & Moon became the king & queen"
"Wow congratulations" !
"Aww that's like so amazing, I couldn't imagine being a actual queen" Giana said

"Oh shit look who's here" Cupcake said

Stephan & the wolfs were coming threw.
"Who is that" ? Gabriel asked
He gasps "as in the werewolf's" ?
Cupcake nods.
"Oh shit" !
He immediately takes out his camera & take pics.
"Ohhhh lookie lookie, loook who's here" Stephan said
Everybody immediately started growling at each other.All of the humans was looking at them so crazy.
"Oh God their growling at each other Frank" a white woman whispers to her husband

"Are we gonna be able to see this movie in peace" ?! Prim said
"Probably not , dumb bitch" Cupcake said
"Who you calling a dumb bitch" ?!
"I'm calling you a dumb bitch" !
Both girls got in each other faces growling.
Ava & Serpentine was coming out the bathroom.
"It smells so funky in their" Ava said
"Girl I know ugh, stank ass bitches"
"Ugh look at those dogs" ! Ava said
"YEA & what" ?! Angel said
"Ugh, why they gotta be here"?! Serpentine said
"Because this is a free country, gotta problem"Qt said
"Yeah I do" !
"Were gonna miss this movie if y'all don't shut up" Brice said
"Can we please try to act civilized to watch this movie" JackJack said
"Ion what civilized mean but ok" Moonlight said
Cupcake laughs.
"I love their animosity, it's so exciting" Gabriel said
Giana shakes her head "your so weird"

Everybody got their popcorn, candy, nacho n cheese , pizza & coke & they headed in the room. The vamps sat in the front & the wolfs sat in the back. The room was packed full of people. The vamps was glaring evilly back at the wolfs& they was steady growling& the people that was around them was looking so dumb at them. Some people was moving because they were so scared. Finally the movie started. It was showing the vampires & wolfs fighting.
Cupcake & the crew was doing some chatting while they was watching the movie& some people had the audacity to look back at them & shush them.
"Can y'all be quiet" ? Dana said

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