🩸Midnight Snacks🩸

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Cupcake & Moonlight went down in a dark car garage where a new black car was waiting for them.Both hopped in. Cupcake hops in the drivers seat & Moonlight hopped in the passenger & they sped off all reckless. They was cruising threw a rich neighborhood. Richness is like a drug for them. They feed & leach on that shit.

"I see alot of fresh wild mortals, let's pull up at this party" Moonlight says
"Say less"
Cupcake pulls up in the driveway.

Young wild rich people filled the mansion. Everybody was dancing & going crazy. Everybody was glaring Cupcake & Moonlight down as they walked threw. They were immediately given drinks. Henny wit a dab of vodka.
"No thank you , we prefer something stronger" Cupcake says
"Something that runs threw your veins" Moonlight says
Cupcake giggles. The boy was so fucked up, all he did was laugh , nod & walk away. Cupcake smirks at Moonlight, he smirked back. A horny drunk couple was in the back grinding & kissing up on each other.

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Cupcake & moonlight was glaring them down with seduction

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Cupcake & moonlight was glaring them down with seduction. The couple caught their eyes & grinned. Cupcake grabs onto moonlight & kisses on him as she looks at the other man. Both was undressing each other with their eyes. The lights was flashing in their faces as they beamed with strong lust inside their eyes.Cupcake & moonlight danced their way in their direction.
"What's yall name" ? Cupcake asked
"Emerald & this is my boyfriend Scott"
"Well hello Emerald & Scott , yall tryna go back to our hotel & have some nasty fun" ? Moonlight asked
Emerald smirks at Scott.
"You down baby" ? She asked
"I'm down if you are" ? He says
"Ok sure , let's do this, what's yall names btw" ?
"I'm Cupcake Count Cattalin & this is my boyfriend Moonlight McKnight"
"Aye those are some dope ass names, yall seem lit" Scott says
"Oh we're very lit & very hungry so let's go" moonlight says
"Hungry" ? Emerald says
"Hungry as in horny, same thing" he says wit a smile
"Oooh gotchu"
Emerald gives Scott an exciting smile.

"Mmmm that was delicious, im full" Ava says
"Me too"
Jack Jack burps.
"Ugh excuse you"
"Fuck you"
"I'm gonna order us some sushi"
"I thought you was full" ?
"Im full of blood , I want food now"
"Alright & get some wings too"

"Wow I ain't never had balcony sex, you really put it on me Brice"
"You know I got this super man dick girl"
"I guess so"
She walks back in the room.
"Let's get coked up some more"
"Looks like you read my mind"
"Hey what's on tv right now" ? Serpentine asked
"Ion let me see"
Brice cuts on the tv.A man news reporter was talking.
"A 7,6 Billion dollar Diamond has went missing & polices are doing everything they can to find it, three suspects were most likely involved in this robbery, their names are Jasper, Carlos & Bette. If you see these 3 people please call 911 ASAP.
"7.6 billion" ! Brice yells
"Fuck calling the cops! We will kill those people & get the Diamond for ourselves" !
"We're already rich , but we will be stinkin rich with all that money"
"We will tell the others about it later & find those bastards" !
"Oh yeah finally a mission, I love our missions" !
"Yasssss this is gonna be fun" !
"I'm so ready to slit their necks & take that Diamond"

Cupcake & Moonlight glared evilly at each other as they escorted the drunk couple inside their hotel room.
"Ooh nice suite" Emerald says
"Dang y'all must have money" Scott says
"Relax & get on the bed" Cupcake says
"Here's some drinks" Moonlight says
Both took a glass & took a big nice gulp, obviously the alcohol was spiked with a drug, an ecstasy pill of course. Cupcake started it off, she started kissing Emerald. Moonlight & Scott was watching. Cupcake started kissing Scott & Moonlight started kissing emerald. Everybody was moaning & filling up on each other bodies. Emerald & Scott was feeling woozy & outta it, but they was giggling at the same time. Because the drug made them feel happy & good. Everybody was now stripped down to their underwear's& bras. Cupcake jumps on top of Emerald & Moonlight jumps on top of Scott. Both gave each a evil devilish smile as they slowly glances down at their victims. Emerald & Scott was still laughing & thinking they were in Heaven, but what they didn't know is that they were in hell instead.

Outta nowhere Cupcake & Moonlight begin to claw at their bodies. Nothing but slicing & dicing. Emerald & Scott was screaming & crying nonstop as they felt the sharp claws penetrate their flesh. Blood was flying all over the room & Cupcake & Moonlight was just a drinking it up. Not only were they getting clawed to fuckin death but they were getting bit the fuck up. The bed , walls , floors & sheets were covered in blood. Cupcake & moonlight begin to kiss each other bloody filled mouths & attack each other. She was grabbing & slinging his draws off. He was slinging hers off. They was getting it on right their next to their dead bloody victims. Both was licking each other from head to toe. She threw her legs back & he slid that cold hard Dick right in & railed the fuck outta ha on those bloody cold sheets.

After cumin all over the place , both pushed their victims off the bed & fell backwards breathing heavy & laughing.
"Now that was fun" Moonlight said
"I fuckin loved it" Cupcake says
"And I love you"
Cupcake glances at Moonlight with a cold beaming smile . "I love you too"
"So about this blood" ?? Moonlight asked
"We're gonna need lots of bleach baby, lots & lots of bleach"
"Oh and more sheets obviously"
Both laughed.

Cupcake gets a phone call from Serpentine.
"Sup sis" ?
"Meet us by that dark alley on main , we got a mission to discuss"
"Bet , on the way"
"Yo what's happening" ?
"Looks like we got a mission" ?
"Ohhh fuckkkk yeahhhh"
"We will clean this up later"
Cupcake & moonlight ran out.

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